24. "he loves you"

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"So which one?" I whined holding up two dresses in front of my phone that was propped up against some books on my bookshelf. Cam was ranting about this boy she's been seeing and I'm very happy that she managed to actually find someone nice for once. "Oh right sorry. Um," she squinted on the FaceTime app because the connection really sucked. "Definitely the dark blue one" she finally said. I threw both dresses on my bed in defeat and groaned. "Holly, Sawyer will love whatever you wear, you need to relax" she said.

I did realize that maybe I was overthinking things a bit but I was just so excited. Despite all of the complications that came along with it, Sawyer was actually showing interest in me.

I had my music on and I was in a really good mood. I ended up wearing a pink floral dress paired with my converse, of course, and I braided my hair to the side so it wouldn't get tangled in the wind.

As soon as I saw him a big bright smile appeared on my face and I took my headphones out of my ears as I approached Sawyer sitting on one of the benches. We decided to meet at my old elementary school which, I admit seems kinda dumb, but it was a pretty cool place with a cool jungle gym to hang out on. It was also the place where everyone from my school would go to smoke or make out of a tree.

For me, it was the best few years of my life. My parents were together and happy, I had so many friends and all of my teachers loved me. That all changed when I got to high school, however.

"These were your old stomping grounds huh?" he laughed. I looked over at the rickety old slide they never got around to fixing and at the broken chess table next to the willow tree. "Yes" I giggle as I pulled his hand and dragged him to the direction of the playground. "I can't believe I used to fit in this" I climbed on top of one of the tubes that connected the swing to the jungle gym and Sawyer followed me.

We both sat and had some pleasant small talk as we watched some kids play soccer in the distance. We were interrupted when a ball came flying in our direction and rolled under the tube we were sitting on. Sawyer immediately hopped off to go get the ball and the kids watched as he kicked the ball back to them. I just stared as it flew through the air with great speed.

"Nice kick" I jump off the red tube I was watching from and walk up behind Sawyer. "Thanks, I used to play soccer before I got so busy with school. It was something my dad and I shared together" he smiled down at me as he talked and the sunrays were hitting his brown eyes causing them to glisten beautifully.

"Hey, you never really told me how you and Ryan met," I said walking over to the rusty swing set in the back of the playground. "Well it's an interesting story" Sawyer laughs as he follows me to the swings and we sit together.

He tells me the story and I listen to every single beautiful word that comes out of his mouth. I can't help but smile and giggle as he tells me every little detail and it really warms my heart to see him open up to me so easily.

"Yea, so we were at the party and that dumb drunk jock spilled his drink all over me. Ryan managed to step in before I got beaten to a pulp and pull the guy off of me".

"Wow, Ryan actually wasn't off with some girl for once?" I ask surprised.

"No he wasn't, he was actually really nice" Sawyer says and looks down at his shoes for a moment as he kicks the wood chips. "You know Ryan came into my life during a difficult period. He had my back when I really needed him. I was going into my first year of college and my folks had just split up, so things were pretty rough. Ryan really helped me and we sorta bonded over our screwed up families, I guess".

I gently place my hand over his and he looks up at me. "I get it" I simply say and smile softly. I think about this moment and how nothing could make it better, but then I remember that I'm the reason Ryan is mad at him. All I wanted was to help Sawyer get his best friend back and see him happy.

Frustration takes over my happy mood and I take my hand away. "Gosh, why does it matter to him who I see? It's not like he cares about me anyway" I fold my arms.

"Because he's your brother. Look I know it may seem like he hates you sometimes and he only joshes on you so much because to him you're his little sister," Sawyer places his hand on my leg and our eyes meet again. "But believe me, Holly, he loves you".

I simply sat there for a second and processed his words which were, although hard to hear, very true. I was just so grateful to have his support.

"It's okay Holly, don't worry, we'll figure it out okay?" He leaned in closer and gave me a reassuring smile. I just looked at him and thought, how did I actually get to end up with him?

I smiled back and I leaned in closer to plant a soft gentle kiss on his lips.

"Are you hungry?" he asked. "I always am" I replied, causing him to chuckle.

"Okay well, do you want to come to my new place? I'll cook you something" he stood up and reached his hand out for me to take.

"Yes, I'd love that" I grinned and happily took his hand.

Sawyer moved just outside of town, into a small but quaint apartment complex, that was cheap and affordable for him. He drove me to his little apartment that was covered in boxes and bags labeled "shirts" and "random stuff".

As soon as we walked in he apologized for the mess and gave me a quick tour which I thought was really adorable. The kitchen was tiny but had a lot of potential and had a cute little green fridge in the corner.

"Now I know you said you're okay with it but are you sure pasta is fine?" he asked from across the kitchen to where I was sitting on the couch. "Yes, of course it is, Sawyer" I told him again chuckling to myself. I found it so cute that he actually cared so much, but I wouldn't care if we were eating ramen and sitting on the floor, just as long as I was with him.

I stood up and looked around his place and got lost gazing out the balcony window at the view of my small little hometown in the distance. It brought a small smile to my face knowing that I was just standing in his new place, far away from all my troubles just enjoying the moment.

Sawyer came up and wrapped his arms around my waist, startling me for a moment, and causing me to gasp. "Why do you always scare me like that?" I ask as I remained gazing out his giant window. "Because it's cute when you get scared" he says into my ear as he hugs me. "What else is cute about me?" I ask playfully.

"The fact that you're so short and you have to jump to reach things sometimes" he laughs. I turn around and face him trying not to smile as he looks down at me. "I'm not short, you're just really tall," I defend.

"It's cute" he says as he gently comes in closer and plants a warm kiss on my forehead.

After we ate we just laugh and talk about our families and whatnot on the couch. Time flies by so fast that by the time we were done I realize that it's already past twelve and I need to get home.

"I should really go," I say, not moving because I really don't want to leave.

"No wait, stay" he grabs my hand and pouts slightly.

How can I help myself when he pulls me in closer and our lips connect just like it was the first time. There's this electricity that I feel when we kiss and it's indescribable. I climbed on top of him pinning him down to the couch we were on. I felt this desire burning inside of me and I couldn't stop myself even if I wanted to.

His kisses became more aggressive and passionate. He groaned as he swiftly flipped me over and got on top of me. I wrapped my legs around his torso and his hands moved down to my waist. "I missed this" he moaned into my ear. "I missed your hair, your smell, your taste," he said as he began kissing my neck.

His low lustful voice turned me on so much and I needed more. "Sawyer?" I asked breathlessly as he kissed my boobs. "Yes babygirl?".

"I want you to fuck me".

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