31. "bad company"

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This situation just got a whole lot more fucked up. Excuse my language. It's been about a week now and I constantly find myself slipping back into old routines. With Sebastian, I mean.

I feel like I'm in highschool again and I'm this naive girl. It's like I'm a different person when I'm around him than when I'm with Sawyer. I guess it's pretty natural though, to go back to the things you know, the things you're safe with.

I still haven't told Sawyer about any of this. I know it's wrong but I don't want him to worry or get jealous. I see no reason in mentioning this to him since I work with Sebastian at summer camp and that's all.

I'm watching this kids during play time while the camp counsellors are getting the food ready for lunch time, when suddenly I feel a slight tugging on my shirt.

I look down and see Fiona's little hands and her big green eyes staring up at me. I crouch down slightly to meet her eye level and smile lovingly. She asked me why I looked so sad and I can't even blame her.

I always seem to have a lot on my mind and my resting face doesn't exactly give off the most positive mood.

"Oh sweetie, I'm not sad" I say in a voice much higher than my own.

"Are you sure? Because you look sad" she insists.

"Don't worry about it, just some silly drama. Go play with the others" I motion towards the crowd of kids in the centre of the room.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" She asks ignoring me and catching me by surprise.

"What?" I laugh. "I do have a boyfriend" I decide to tell her since she's clearly curious.

"My big sister always cries over boys".

"Well how old is she?" I ask.


"Oh hun, she's too young to be crying over boys" I pat her on the back. I might have to talk to the parents because this poor girl shouldn't be crying, let alone even thinking about boys yet. When I was fourteen, all I cared about was drawing and playing Poptropica on my dad's computer.

"Boys are not nice" she says calmly while fidgeting with her doll.

"Is that why you don't wanna play with any of them?".

"Yes, because they're all mean and ugly".

"Well I know you think that now," I crouch down even lower and gently place my hand on her shoulder. "But, one day you're gonna grow up and find a really really nice boy, trust me".

"No I want to find a prince" she states proudly then I watch her waddle off on her own. I truly admire her spirit.


All the kids were getting picked up and saying their goodbyes. Before leaving, Fiona came up to me for a quick hug and then she ran back to her father. I thought it was really sweet.

After camp, tired, I went over to the coffee shop to try and regain my strength. Grabbing my usual medium dark roast, I found a nice window spot to scroll through Instagram and watch the sun go down.

I'll be out tonight, don't wait up for me! Love you.

I really wonder who she's been spending all that time with. I'd rather not have to meet him, but I'm glad she's happy.

Since I'm coming home to an empty house, I decide to go out for another one of my late night walks to clear my head. The fresh air. The moonlight. And all those stars. It's truly magnificent.

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