32. "getting jealous huh?"

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Have you ever avoided seeing a movie and then when you watch it you think to yourself, wow this is actually it's so good why have I never seen this before?

That's how I felt when I finally decided to watch Warm Bodies. Cam forced me into it but 10 minutes into the film, I couldn't rip my eyes away.

It was actually such an adorably sweet movie and I hate to admit it, but I cried. I'm such a girl.

I came over to Cam's house for dinner since I barely had any food at home and Ryan was out with Tracy, as usual. Cam's house was more fun anyways. She has the best recipes plus she's good company.

While we were chopping up vegetables for our salad I decided to spill the guts about Sebastian.  At first she was very shocked, but as usual, she knew exactly what to say.

"You're really gonna fall for that friend bullshit?" She asked, knife still in hand. She saw I got frightened and quickly put the knife down.

I dangled my legs off of the island I was sitting on in her brightly lit brown kitchen.

"It's like sophomore year all over again. He comes in, woos you with his cars, dark hair, charm and good looks and you fall for it." She seems annoyed at my transparent behaviour.

"Do you need me to remind you what he did?" She goes over to the fridge, searching for an ingredient.

"Do you need me to remind you that he apologized? It was three years ago" I clap back.

"I know, I just mean he's not exactly the best influence on you. It's easy to slip back into old habits, if you know what I mean".

I did know what she meant, and I found it slightly insulting that she still thinks he has such a huge effect on me.

"We are just friends. He really needs one right now" I explain calmly.

"Yeah, well you better make that very clear to him" she turns back to her cutting board and continues to dice the cherry red tomatoes.

Her words rung in my head.

"I will."


I'd finally made it to Friday and I was really looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow. The only thing that pushes me to wake up at 7 in the morning everyday is coffee. And sure, the kids too.

Tonight, Cam and I decided to get everyone together and host a small campfire at our local park. They had those mini fire-pits laid out and ready to go so we could safely start a fire.

I texted everyone beforehand, saying that I'm bringing a new a friend not mentioning who he really is.

I informed everyone that it was going to be a fun evening in hopes of bringing us all closer together or whatnot. But it was also just so Sebastian could see that I'm with Sawyer and to finally meet the boy Cam has been raving about all this time.

The guest list was Sawyer, Cam and her new guy; Parker, Jacob, Georgia, Sebastian and me.

I got there early with Sawyer who helped get everything set up. The crowd started to trickle in by 8 and everyone was just chatting and sharing funny stories of how we all met to break the ice.

Sebastian was late, of course, but when he finally decided to show up I introduced him.

"Hey everyone, meet Sebastian, he's new in town and doesn't really know anyone. We met while volunteering." He gives me a very confused look but then shrugs it off and goes along with my story.

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