09. "is there someone else?"

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"It's so much nicer up here".

"Yeah" I say walking up to the window to get a better view. We found some dark bedroom to sit and talk in. Through the window you could see the lit up pool that people were splashing around in. The music is muffled from downstairs but it's still so peaceful up here. However my trance was broken by the sound of giggling outside of the door.

Jacob sat down on the bed and I came to sit next to him. I didn't feel weird with him at all. I mean sure I can't deny his good looks and charm but I don't feel I could ever start something serious with him. Not that I even wanted to. To be honest I don't know what I want. But I do know I want Sawyer.

"So" he cleared his throat. "Nice dress" he blurts out. He seems nervous about something but I don't want to press on. "Thanks" I say. Damn I didn't even think this dress was all that special.

He finishes whatever's in his red cup and places it on the ground. "How many of those have you had?" I ask.

"I don't know, I lost count after 4" he slurs. I sigh, thinking about how I really don't want to deal with a drunk Jacob throwing up over me tonight. "Maybe we should get you some water-"

"I need to ask you something" he interrupts.

"Okay, what?".

"Why'd you say no?".


"When I asked you out" he clarifies.

"I told you, I'm-".

"Yea, I don't buy that".

"Why not?".

"Is there someone else?".

"Why would you think that?".

"I don't know, just a hunch".

"Look, even if there was that's not the reason I said no".

"I get it, you think I'm a player".

"Oh come on, are you really still upset over this?".

"I just- never been rejected, and I wanted to know why".

"Look I'm sure you're a great guy and I mean you are attractive and everything-".

"You think I'm attractive?" a big smile comes over his face immediately.

"Well yeah" I say. "But I really just-" I pause, trying to figure out how to explain it before I just give up. "It's fine Holly, you don't need to explain I get it".

"Let's talk about something else, what school did you go to before here?" He asks.

"Um Willowcove" I say.

"No way, me too. How come I never saw you there?".

"I don't know, maybe cause you never paid attention?".

"Right, sorry".

"It's fine" I laugh. "Wait, no weren't you the girl that has those insanely beautiful drawings?" He asks.

"Well I wouldn't say insanely" I joke.

"Oh wow, your art was always up in front of the art room and I always loved it".

"Well thanks" I say.

"No really, you are incredibly talented. I still remember that one drawing of that car you did. The Ferrari? That's my favourite car".

"Well, I still have it if you want I can give it to you" I say.

"No way, really?".

"Yea of course".

"Thanks Holly". I just smile.

"So you must be going to some big-time art school next year, with your talent".

"You're sweet" I laugh. "But no, I'm going to Sweetwater College"

"Seriously? Me too" he says enthusiastically.

"Wow, well then I guess I'll see you there".

"Absolutely" he says. "Maybe we can even see each other this summer". I smile politely and he then flops on to the bed. One part of me feels bad for not reciprocating the same feelings for him. Another part just makes me glad that I might have a new friend next year in college.

"I'll go get you some water" I stand up and he murmurs something but I can't quite make out what he said.

As I push through the people crowding the kitchen, I bump in to the one and only, Georgia. Georgia is that popular girl that every school has. Like straight up out of a movie with that flowing blonde hair and perfect figure, she has every guy in school lining up to be with her. "Ugh, wanna watch where you're going?" She quips.

"Sorry, didn't mean to bump into you-" I start.

"Whatever, why are you even at this party?" She mutters. "Okay, can I just get through in peace?" I ask knowing better than to get on her bad side. "Whatever" she rolls her eyes. She is honestly the last person I want to bump into, but I'm glad I will not be seeing her next year.

On my way upstairs I run into Camille with some random guy clinging onto her like she's the last piece of chicken in the bucket. "Hey!" she yells out. I can tell she's intoxicated by the way her eyes look, but I let it slide. "Who's this?" I ask referring to the guy currently slobbering on my best friend's neck.

"Oh this is Ty, we just met" she giggles. Not wanting to be a nuisance I decide to let them be and go off on their own. Cam asks a few times if I'm certain about her leaving me on my own and I reassure her.

I slowly enter the room I had left Jacob in only to find out he is fast asleep. I decide to let him sleep it off and place the water on the side table. Everyone else is having such a great time at the party so I just decide to leave them to it. Even though I didn't want to be here in the first place, it was still great to talk to Jacob for a while and catch up with some peers.

I decide to find my own way home, luckily I brought enough spare cash for a cab. Pulling up to my house I notice my moms car in the driveway but the light in her room is off. In fact all of the lights are off, which isn't so surprising considering it's half past 1 and the whole house loves to go to bed early.

I quietly walk in, shutting the door behind me. I notice my brother is asleep on the couch with his headset on and a controller in his hand.

Creeping on upstairs and notice Ryan's room is wide open and Sawyer is no where to be found. A little disappointed, I head into my room and decide to call it a night.

I open the door and walk in when suddenly a tall figure shuts it behind me and pushes me up against it.

"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do this".

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