04. "does it bother you?"

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I bit my lip as I watched him go on his phone for a while. He stood there, the droplets of sweat glistening on his body from the light outside. He knocked his shoes off and didn't bother to turn on the lights.

I noticed he began making his way upstairs and I panicked. I had no where to hide so I frantically ran towards my room. On my journey towards the door, my stupid fuzzy socks caused me to slip and fall straight on my face with the loudest noise I could possibly make at 8:00pm on a Saturday night.

"Holy shit, are you okay?" No, because I'm guessing you saw all of what just happened. He rushes over to me and picks me up. "Thanks" I say as his strong pull swiftly lifts me off the ground.

"Were you- were you just standing there?".

"Oh no, I- I- wasn't" I couldn't come up with anything on the spot. "I was just-". Damnit Holly.

"Where'd you go?" I decide to change the subject. I gulp really loudly, can't help the effect he has on me when he's shirtless.

"Oh, I um went on a run, why?" He asks.

"Oh no reason".

"Yea, I um. Just had to let off some steam".

"Hmm. Well did you?" I ask.

"Yeah" he chuckles. I begin to walk towards my room and I feel his hand grab my wrist. "Hey, you weren't too lonely while I was out, were you?" he smirks. I giggle stupidly because of his hand being on my wrist.

"Not really" I smile. Swallowing the lump in my throat I can't help but let my eyes scan his abs. The way the light from the hallway hits them. How badly I just wanna pull him into my room and lock the door behind us. Stop it Holly.

"Do you wanna put on a shirt?" I clear my throat. His eyes brows raise and he takes a step closer to me.

"Why? Does it bother you?". Holy shit, yes. It does. "No" I lie. I step back and clear my throat yet again. "I- I just". He chuckles again and the smirk on his face grows even bigger.

"I'll go change" he says and he walks into Ryan's room looking back at me before closing the door.

I let a loud sigh fall from my lips as I run into my room and shut the door. I can't help but smile just thinking about him.

My first instinct is to call Camille and tell her everything as usual. So I do.

"Are you dumb?" she yells and I lower the volume on my phone instantly. "What?" I whisper, knowing that he's right next door.

"There's a hot shirtless guy in front of you and you decide to ask him to put on a shirt?".

"Cam, I can't do anything you know that".

"Why not? You like him, he likes you".

"It's not that simple" I say. I walk over to my closet and looking through my clothes while we talk. I decide to put my phone down and try on a few outfits. I ask for Camille's advice on a few raunchier ones, and she gives me her opinion.

Eventually we both hang up and I decide to make dinner for myself. I'm in the kitchen searching for a box of mac and cheese since mom's still out running errands and won't be home for dinner. I find a box on the top shelf but it's out of my reach. I am fairly short, even thought I always considered my height pretty average. Except when it came to high shelves. I climb onto the counter and I feel my shorts slightly rise.

"Need some help?" I hear a low husky voice, nearly causing me to fall. "Jesus, you gotta stop doing that" I say climbing off the counter. Sawyer clears his throat, walks over and swiftly grabs the box for me. The smug grin on his face makes me wanna smack him but also be thankful for finally reaching the box for me. "Sorry" he says. I grab the box and walk over to the stove.

"Are you hungry?" I ask.

"Are you offering?".


"Then yes, I am". I laugh and start making the mac and cheese.

All the lights are off in the house so I turn on the spotlights in the living room to be able to actually see what I'm eating. We sit on the couches and have a late dinner together. I can't really say I'm happy he's finally wearing a shirt, but I'm glad I get to eat my food in peace.

"So why didn't you go out with Ryan tonight?" I ask placing my empty bowl on the coffee table.

"Oh um, I don't know. Just didn't really feel like it".

"I see".

"Plus I don't really know any of the people he was with".

"Why not?".

"Well they're old friends. I only met Ryan a year ago". I nod in understanding.

"Plus, it's more fun here" he smiles causing me to blush. "Really?" I ask.

"Yea, this way we get to hang out". I'm at a loss for words as to why he would actually decide to ditch partying with group of girls for staying in and eating Mac and cheese with me. I am not complaining however.

"Okay, well what do you wanna do?" I ask.

"Anything". Oh lord help me.

"We could watch a movie" I suggest. "Sure" he grins.

I get up to search for the remote. I see how it's on the floor so knowing that he's watching I  bend down with my revealing shorts to get it. As I turn around I see his head turn away from me, as if I just caught him staring. I smirk as I plop down on the couch next to him.

We spend about 20 minutes picking out a movie, until we finally decide on Fast and Furious. We watched the movie for a while until I ended up passing out for some reason. I don't know how I became so tired so quickly but the next thing I remember was waking up.

All alone, wrapped in a brown blanket. In my own bed.

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