28. "what's going on here?"

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Things were good. Actually, things were perfect.

Summer vacation had finally arrived and I was so ready for the next chapter of my life. I'm glad I had Sawyer to help ease the stress of moving on to college next year.

Unfortunately, I'll be attending a different school than him and my brother. However, Cam and I were both lucky enough to get accepted into Sweetwater College.

I'm going to be studying Studio Arts and she's going into Dramatic Arts and Theatre. I think she will do really well, I mean, she's been taking drama almost her whole life, there's definitely something there.

However, right now I needed to do something with my time, so I signed up to volunteer at this summer camp for kids. Just helping out with regular camp activities and watching over the kids.

So far, it's only been a week and it's absolute hell. The kids are crazy, I have to spend long hours in the sun and what's worse is that I have no one to talk to while I'm there. But what can I say, at least it looks good on my resume.


It was a nice and warm Sunday afternoon. My room was filled the pleasant chill of the cool air blowing in through my sheer white curtains.

Sawyer was here with me, it was a peaceful moment. We were rolling around in bed again while he was playing with my hair. Blackbear was playing in the background and all was well.

We didn't have a care in the world.

"Yeah, the counsellers left me with all of the kids so they could go out for coffee, it's ridiculous" I rant to Sawyer while playing with his shirt collar. He chuckled softly as he listened to me vent.

"Hey, so I was just thinking about something" he looked off into the distance.


"Remember what you wrote on page 18 of your book?".

"You sick bastard!" I slap him on the shoulder.

"Hey you're the one who wrote it" he laughs while rubbing his shoulder. I climbed off of him and he grabbed onto my waist to pull me back.

"I was just overwhelmed with emotions" I blushed. Thinking back to it, I felt a little embarrassed knowing that he knew all my deepest desires.

"You shouldn't have gone through it!" I say as he continues to laugh.

You know that smile a guy makes when they're trying so hard not to laugh? And then they sorta bite their lip. That's so hot.

I was just straddling his waist as he laid on my bed, his hands on my thighs. "Stop" I playfully slapped him again.

"Okay, you're right. I'm sorry".

"But damn I just gotta ask. Why write all that? I mean someone was just bound to find it".

"I know I know, it's just- always been my way of releasing my emotions. It's bad to keep things bottled up".

"I see" he smirked.

We were just talking until we heard my moms voice yell out in the hallway. I immediately jumped off of him and he stood up as well.

"Holly, I'll be out tonight!" The doorknob turns and she walks in. She sees us shuffling and looking suspicious and her eyebrows furrow.

"What's going on here?" she asks sternly. My heart just about sinks into my ass.

She quickly put two and two together when she saw us at a loss for words.

"Holly, can I speak to you in the hall for a minute?" She avoids eye contact.


I calmly did as she said so and followed her into the dark empty hallway. I told Sawyer to wait in my room and I saw a look of sheer terror in his eyes before shutting the door.

Mom seemed very confused but remained calm which really worried me.

"I'm sorry-" I blurt out.

"For what?".

"For not telling you?" I ask unsurely. She pauses for a moment and then folds her arms. "So this has been going on for a while now?".

I just kept quiet.

"How long?" she asks.

After a short moment of silence, I finally speak up. "About a month now" I say. "So this was happening while he was living here?"


She sighed loudly and pinched her nose. "And what about Ryan?".

"He knows".

"Oh, so you've told everyone but me?".

I just looked down. This interrogation was really stressing me out but I did feel bad for not telling her.

"Well, I do know the boy. It's not like I haven't met him- he's a very smart kid" she admits.

"So he's been sleeping in your room?".

"Well no-" I begin.

"Holly, you're 18 now. Who you see is your own business but you and that boy better not be sleeping in the same room together in my house, is that clear?".

"Yes, mom" I'm just happy she didn't kick him out because I was fearing the worst.

"I'm happy for you Holly" she hugs me. Wow, I haven't talked to my mom like this in a while. I never thought she'd react like this if I'd told her.

"Now keep that door open" she told me before she began walking away.

"Alright, but wait- mom?" I called out


"You're going out?".

"Yeah, I actually have a date. I wasn't gonna tell you unless it went well but I guess since you asked".

"I'm happy for you, mom". It was a little hard for me to say because I still missed my dad so much but I was truly happy that she was getting back out there. She always works so hard for Ryan and I and she deserves it.

"Okay well Sawyer, you be good to her okay? I'm only saying this once but you'd better take good care of her. I trust you" she ducked into the room where Sawyer was anxiously sitting on the bed. "Of course".

"Great but you will need to be out of here after I leave because I can't leave you guys here alone while Ryan and I are out".

"Mom" I whined. "Yes ma'am, of course" Sawyer politely nodded. She smiled and I was just really glad they've met before because if this was the first time, it would have gone a lot worse.

I offered to help her get ready but she decided she didn't need my help, so before she left I kissed her goodbye and I wished her luck.

Sawyer got his jacket halfway on and met me by the front door where I was standing.

"Where do you think you're going?" I locked the front door.

"Well, your mom said-".

Our lips were just inches away from touching as my hands were on his chest. I slowly began to take his jacket off as I gently pushed him against the wall.

He smirked as he watched me and didn't say a word.

"Well, she's not here now is she?".


So I will be continuing this series due to popular request. I'm really glad everyone is actually liking it so thank you!

I'm also going to try to stick to a once every two weeks uploading schedule every other Sunday but please don't kill me if I'm a little late!

Next update should be coming: March 11th!


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