08. "really nice dress"

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It's crazy how fast the week flies by. Finally I'd handed my essay in, feeling a giant weight off my shoulders. I'm now one step closer to summer vacation and being free from school.

Even after telling Camille everything that happened with Sawyer, I still can't help but feel weird about the whole situation. My brother's best friend basically told me he wants me and Ryan has no idea.

I'm glad he's clueless though because I can't imagine how he'd react. They've been hanging out more often so I'd barely seen Sawyer all week and the less I see him, the more crazy I get. I can't help but think about him, and about all the things I want him to do to me. It's really insane just how often he pops into my head.

It's like ever since everything happened, I just want more. I know it's bad but, he's not that much older than me and what harm could it really bring? At least that's what Camille tells me.

Also, that girl Ryan reconnected with at the pool, he turned out to like a lot. Apparently they are seeing each other now but I don't know the full story. I only know what I hear through my bedroom door.

After making it through a stressful week all I want to do is sleep it off and listen to some music in the safety of my bedroom. But Cam is insisting we go out to celebrate.

Cam, seriously?

Yes, now put on a cute outfit and meet me in 20

How do you even know the guy?

I hooked up with his friend

Oh boy

Enough groaning, get your ass up and get ready

Fine, but only for 2 hours

Okay okay, grandma

I head to my closet sluggishly to pick out an outfit. To be quite honest I hadn't been to a party since Camille dragged me to one back at the start of the year. Though I'd rather be at home, spread out over my large empty king sized bed thinking about my brother's best friend, I'm excited to hang out with my classmates for a bit. Besides, these are the very last moments we will all be together again, before college comes and we all go our separate ways.

I search my closet and pull something out from the very back. A little black dress, that has a flirty flowy bottom and is very low cut in the front. I try it on to find it being very snug but still form-fitting. It's a dress I haven't worn in ages though I don't know why, because it's sitting very nice on me now.

Probably because the last time I wore it, my boobs couldn't even fill out the front. Though it might be a little risky I decide to wear it anyways. I grab my little black purse to match and head downstairs.

As I search in the kitchen for a small snack to grab before the party I hear a familiar voice calling out Ryan's name. "Rya- oh" Sawyer says stumbling into the kitchen on his obvious search for his friend. "Woah" he pauses at the door frame. Of course, he's shirtless.

"That's uh- a- a really nice dress" he scans me up and down. "Thanks" I manage to say despite my thoughts focused on his half naked body. "Where you going?".

"A party" I take a bite of the apple I found in the fruit bowl on the counter. "Hmm" he clears his throat. "Well, have fun".

"I will" I say awkwardly. In hopes of getting out of this conversation I turn to the counter to put my apple down. I hear Sawyer walk into the living room and my brother's footsteps coming down the stairs.

After lacing my shoes up I take one final look in the mirror and apply some lip balm. "Hey, stay out of trouble tonight" Ryan says.

"I will".

"And stay away from the boys, they're all probably drunk and looking to score, as weird as that sounds. Be careful okay?"

It's strange how he can just change like that. Go from my annoying older brother, Ryan, to a little too overprotective Ryan. Honestly he can be such a hypocrite at times, which grinds my gears. The fact that he was just the same as all the boys he wants to protect me from, even worse, when he was my age. Yet he warns me to stay away.

"Don't worry" I reassure him I'll stay out of trouble, but I can't say the same for Camille.

Arriving at the party, which is at some cabin just off the highway coming into our small little town. Some guy Cam knew, who has a huge house with a hot tub and a deck that leads into a small lake.

The large crowd of angsty and slightly horny teenagers greets us as we walk into the party. A vision of red solo cups scattered and sweaty teens hooking up all over the place is what we see.

Cam gets us drinks and we find a place to quietly observe the crowd before merging in with them. "Do you see anyone you know?" I ask.

"I see Kate, Bobby and Ger" she lists.

"Okay, let's go say hi" I say as we begin to approach our classmates. Sounds of people chanting and a fight is heard from outside diverting people's attention from the activities inside.

We talk with our peers before I am interuppted by a slightly aggressive tap on the shoulder. "Hey!" Jacob yells over the loud music.

"Oh Jacob, what's up?".

"I was hoping I'd see you here".

"Well, you found me" I joke. He laughs but it's hard to hear over the music.

"Hey, wanna go somewhere quiet where we can talk?". I shoot a look to Cam, and she just nods her head.

"Sure" I say and follow him as he leads me towards the stairs.

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