36. "you make it so hard"

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We went for a late night drive, windows down, music up. It was nearing midnight at this point but the cool air and the luminous streetlights woke me up. Muse came on the radio and we both sang along. It was perfect, I had no other way to describe it. All we really did was cruise around the streets, making laps around the neighborhood but I couldn't be more thrilled. His hand in mine and his company was all that I needed. He made me so happy and in that moment, we didn't have a care in the world, just us and the open road.

We stopped at a 24-hour convenience store and got slushies which were the highlight of my day by far.

After the colorful and sugary drink, my eyes began to close so Sawyer drove me home. I just sluggishly gazed out the window on the way back, watching all of the bright lights zoom by until my eyes finally sealed shut. Next thing I remember was being carried up the stairs and to my bedroom but my vision was blurry because I was so tired.

I woke up in my bed the next morning, all alone, with the best memories from last night. I was still wearing the lace bodysuit and hoodie over top so I got changed into something more comfortable.

The noises downstairs were very unfamiliar to me. There was lots of chatter and laughter. I looked over at my analog clock to find that it's only 8:00 am. Why is everyone in such a good mood this early in the day?

I had a feeling that Michael stayed over so I wasn't surprised when I saw him already setting the table for breakfast. "Holly, good morning. Just in time for breakfast, your mom made some lovely pancakes" he said enthusiastically. I was too tired to smile so I just nodded and slowly sat down.

I was resting my head in the palm of my hands when I heard more sounds coming from the living room. Sounds that resembled low male voices. I glanced over and saw Ryan on the couch with Sawyer playing some high-speed racing game.

Sawyer stayed over? Great and I look atrocious, as per usual. The stress kicked in when the thought of him seeing me like this hit me.

"Boys, c'mon get your lazy asses up off the couch and come join everyone else. That darn TV will rot your brains." Michael seemed very displeased with the way this generation operates. Any time he would get a chance to antagonize 'the youth', he would. He's very old-fashioned and he hates technology, which is not going to fly with me because living without my phone is like living without air.

The guys groaned and took their headsets off, slowly trudging to the dining room.

I tried to run and escape to at least fix my hair before they came in but I was stopped by my mom. "Where do you think you're going? Come back and join us." She said while her hands were occupied carrying the giant stack of pancakes to the table.

At that point, it was too late. Both the boys walked in and Ryan decided to laugh at my appearance, though no one found it funny.

"Hey, did you sleep well?" Sawyer asked, finding a seat next to his dad at the table. I turned back in my tracks and found my way back to the spot across from my mom.

"Yes, I did." I clear my throat. "Did you?" I ask, trying to make appropriate dinner conversation. "Well, Ryan kept me up with his Fortnite." he glared at him jokingly. Ryan just shrugged and bit into a piece of toast with raspberry jam smeared over it.

"Well I enjoyed the restaurant yesterday," Michael interjects grabbing a fat pancake from the pile. We all nod in unison, concentrating on the food in front of us.

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