37. "just go, before I make you"

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Finally, after almost having to literally rip myself out of Sawyers' arms, I pulled my little red dress down and put my jean jacket back on. He kept kissing my neck, begging me not to go and I was just about to give in when I heard a loud honking noise coming from outside my house.

I quickly ran over to my window to check. It was Cam and Parker, waiting for me in his car. After everything that Sawyer and I just did, it was really hard to pull myself away but I had already made a promise. It was painful having to say no to his adorable puppy dog eyes but I had to go.

After one last sweet kiss, I ran downstairs to put my heels on at the door. Sawyer told me to 'be safe' before I left and I couldn't stop smiling on my way down the steps. It fills me with such joy knowing that he cares and worries about me.

I carefully walked to the car, trying not stumble while Cam, in the front seat of the black Camaro, kept motioning for me to hurry. I sat down and got comfy in the back seat, adjusting my dress so it wouldn't ride up. "Why are you all smiley?" Cam asked me suspiciously. She didn't even have to because she already knew the answer.

"No reason." I buckle myself in and fix my hair for the final time.

"Oh my god you guys did it?" she exclaimed causing Parker to furrow his brows at the commotion. Am I really that transparent?

"No." I scoffed, not sounding very convincing and she brushed it off knowing better not to get into details right now.

"Okay, no time for drama tonight, we are going to have a great time because this is the last time we get to go to this party before college next year."

"Yeah, you're right." I smile admiring her enthusiasm. "Hell yeah!" Parker hyped us up.

And on that note, we began our drive to the residential area on the hill just outside of the town square. Of course, I sat in the back so I had no control over the radio stations but nevertheless, I sat calmly and enjoyed the ride, which was exceptionally smooth in Parker's fancy car. Cam and Parker were singing along to some familiar songs together and they had that spark, the spark that I felt with Sawyer the other night. I watched them, smiling because it was adorable.


We arrived just about a half-hour late so we had to park a few blocks away since there were no spots near the house at all. The streets were crowded with angsty drunk teenagers and college kids. We got to the host's house eventually, after the strenuously long walk I spent the whole time complaining about my shoes on. I never know who's house it is every year, I just follow Cam and hope we don't get lost.

After fighting our way through the intoxicated crowd, we met up with Georgia and Jacob who seemed to be getting all handsy by the food and drinks table. It isn't all that out of place considering there were people hooking up everywhere you turn.

They were in the kitchen which was also very convenient for me because that's where all the food was and I was absolutely starving. I managed to stack up on chips and dip and after, we found a spot to relax and observe for a while.

As the night pressed on and the music got louder, Cam started taking back more and more shots, as usual. It's an annual tradition; every year she gets wasted but hey, I'm not judging. Thankfully she had Parker this year to slow her down because she clearly would not listen to me.

She pulled him out onto the dancefloor, packed with sweaty guys and girls grinding on each other. She offered me a hand and tried to get me up but I refused because I'm not exactly the dancing type and she knows. Plus the music isn't exactly my taste.

Georgia and Jacob ran off pretty quick, probably to go make out somewhere upstairs so I was left to my own devices but I was still having a great time. I couldn't help but laugh to myself as I watched Cam go crazy on Parker. They were having a lot of fun together and he's actually a really nice guy from what I've seen. I'm happy as long as she's happy.

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