23. "can't stop thinking about you"

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I almost didn't open the window to let him in. But when I saw him struggling to keep his balance on the tree branch that he was currently clinging to, I reached out a hand and helped pull him in before he fell.

Next, I proceeded to hit him on the arm for scaring the living hell out of me. "Ow!" he rubbed his arm after the slap.

"Are you crazy?" I whisper yelled. He was fixing his shirt because it pulled up a bit on his climb to my window and his abs were exposed for a quick second. I quickly walked over to my door and quietly closed it.

"What are you doing here?" I crossed my arms.

"Holly, I can't even begin to explain how sorry I am" he walked over to me.

"You couldn't, ya know, send a text? You had to scale my house wall?" I snap at him.

"I thought you wouldn't respond to me. I was a huge jerk". I scoffed and rolled my eyes. How foolish of him. Thinking he can just come in here and waltz back into my life. Him and his damn perfectly shaped nose and chiseled jawline and kissable plump lips.

He came in even closer as I was leaning against my bed frame. I was now really cold because I left my window open and I was still only in my silk PJs.

"Holly," he said in a calm low voice. Although I was pretty mad, his calm attitude towards all of this really relaxed me. "I tried to push you away, thinking that it would solve everything but it only made it harder".

I still tried to remain unfazed though, despite his attempts to play with my emotions.

"I can't stop thinking about you".

He's like a magnet and I just keep getting pulled in. I can't help it. He lifted my chin up with one of his fingers, locking eyes with me. The subtle blue light from outside was casting shadows on his gorgeous face. Of course, he was in his grey sweatpants.

"What I said that night, I meant it. I wasn't lying. There really is an indescribable connection between us" the corners of his mouth lifted upwards so innocently.

"Then why'd you leave?".

"Because. Because- I was jealous, but I had no right to be". I looked away and uncrossed my arms as I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I guess I was using that as an excuse to be mad, but it only made it worse" he said.

I exhaled deeply as I gazed out my open window with the curtains flowing freely. "Holly I want to be with you" he gently took my hand in his and the warm feeling returned.

"I know I don't deserve it but can I please have another chance?" his eyes scanned my face and they landed on my lips. I watched as he carefully dragged his tongue across his bottom lip and it was so hot I can't even explain it.

Just like that he managed to weasel his way back into my heart. I already forgave him, but I still wanted him to work a little more.

"So" my tone of voice changed completely. "Tell me again how sorry you are" I giggle as I jump onto my bed. He smiles and bites his lip as he approaches me. "How about I show you?" he climbs on top of me and I smile as we just enjoy the moment. I run my hand through his messy hair and admire the great view.

He slowly brought his lips up to mine, I closed my eyes before feeling the warmth of his skin against me. I missed his taste, his smell, his voice.

My hands got tangled in his hair and moved to his cheeks. Our slow gentle kisses turned into hot fiery passionate ones and his hands found their way to my hips then down to my thighs. My heart rate began to accelerate as the dream I had this morning, came to life. I kissed him deeper and I began to grind my hips into him.

Just as I was getting excited he pulled away. "We should stop before we go too far because I won't be able to stop once we go there" he said trying to catch his breath.

"No let's go there," I say eagerly and pull him back onto me.

"Holly, I want to do this right. You know I want you like that, but I want you to know this is not just about sex for me" he raised himself off of me. I was very disappointed but at the same time, very charmed.

He laid back against one of my pillows and looked at me. "Okay" I sat up. "What do you want to do?" I asked him.

"Let's talk" he motioned with a hand for me to lay with him, so I rolled my eyes playfully and did as he said.

I got cozy as he wrapped his arms around me and I rested my head on his chest. I felt so safe in his arms so I tightened my grip around him, wanting to never leave this moment.

He traced circles on my back and at first, it tickled but after a while, it was a really nice and pleasant feeling.

"Who broke your heart?".

"What?" I opened my eyes at his question.

"That first day at the pool, when we talked you told me some guy broke your heart".

"It's dumb" I try to shove it aside.

"No it's not. You need to stop doubting yourself, Holly".

After a short pause I decided to dig deep into my memories and open up the box I locked away a long time ago. "His name was Sebastian. He was- one of those cliché bad boys, with the leather jacket and everything. He was my first boyfriend and we dated for a few months in sophmore year,".

"He made it so easy to fall for him and he was special to me because I thought he really loved me". Sawyer continued to draw circles on my back as if it was to sooth me. It did. Anytime his hands were on my body at all, whatever problems or worries I had dissolved. It's so dumb and cheesy but for some reason he made me feel that way.

"He really wanted to be my first, and I loved him so I said yes. But when it came down to it, I got scared because I wasn't ready. That night he got really mad and admitted all he wanted was to have sex. After the fight, he left and that was that". Sawyer stopped tracing circles on my back and shifted slightly so he could see my face. I looked up at him waiting for his response but he just kissed me.

"I would never do that to you" he said. The sad memories melted away in his eyes and we simply just remained in each others arms.

The next thing I know I wake up, cuddled into Sawyer's neck, surrounded by the cool chill from the window we had left open last night.

My movements caused Sawyer to slowly open his eyes as well. He saw that I was awake and tightened his grip around me. I never wanted to leave my bed. I gently shut my eyes again and took it all in. My small smile was instantly wiped of my face by the sound of stomping downstairs.

Unfortunately, reality set in and Sawyer could not come out through the front door this time. I helped him carefully climb out of my window and watched as he grasped on to the tree. "Last night was great. Let's meet up today, okay?" he told me before he climbed out.

"I'll call you". He carefuly got down and looked around quickly before popping his hood up and walking off into the distance, remaining unseen.

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