Chapter One

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A/N: A lot of people have been requesting this story. I have been working on rewriting it in hopes that maybe someday I could publish this love story, but since I have received so many requests I decided to post it once again. If you already read this story, thank you so much, but I rewrote everything. I extended scenes and added new ones so if you would like to reread this there are new things to look forward too. Thanks again for everyone's amazing support!!

Emma Swan

The small ding above the old diner rang above my head as I entered. The sound alone caused too many emotions to run rampant across my mind for me to land on just one. The old familiar chime was slowly tugging at the old scars molded into my heart. The past came rushing back with a heavy smack against my forehead. So many wonderful memories from all those years ago, just to be shattered in the end.

I'm not that girl anymore.

So, I wipe away those taunting thoughts and try to focus on the now, but is that any better? The past is suffocating but the present is exhausting. That bone crushing, muscle aching, head pounding type of burned out feeling.

Another trying day of work would be a nice way of explaining my day. I've been in my line of work long enough now to understand that some people just want to abuse the system. These greedy people are only foster parents for the check they receive each month. Is this what our world is coming to now? Self-absorbed humans who don't understand the simple concept of decency. It boggles my brain that these people are inevitably hurting a child and yet they don't even think twice about the welfare of these children. I'm finding it more and more difficult to find worthy enough homes to place these children in. I chose this career after college for one reason and one reason only.

"Hey, Emma!"

My lifelong friend, Ruby Lucas, called out from a booth while waving her hands dramatically in the air. Her overly enthusiastic personality always brings a smile to my face no matter how miserable I am feeling.

Ruby's long chestnut hair was straightened to perfection, laying across her lower back and swept away from her shoulders. A skimpy sheer tank top and short mini shirt to complete her ensemble, making her stick out in this family restaurant like a sore thumb. Some would say that my best friend for over twelve years, dressed a little inappropriately but I hardly notice that anymore.

Ruby's smile shined brightly as I approached her table. She was already sipping some fruity cocktail, that I assume she prepared herself. I attempted my best smile as I slumped down into the uncomfortable leather seat across from her.

Our old booth.

"Hey," I groaned miserably as I snatched the menu from the table. My eyes drifted across the small menu even though I already have everything memorized by now.

"Another crazy day?"

"You have no idea." I shook my head trying not to replay the horrific scenes from earlier. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Ruby shift awkwardly in her seat. I peeked over the top of my menu and squinted my tired eyes at her. "What's going on?"

My friend cleared her throat and nodded her head toward the door. I began turning around when I heard her ask, "Isn't that..."

I cut her off immediately, "Yes, it is."

"And that's..."

"Yes," I exhaled knowing all too well who they are. I'm not an idiot, I knew they would be here. They are always here every Friday night. Ruby is the one that's in the dark about it all.


Six Years Ago

Beep beep beep beep

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