Chapter Two

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Regina Mills

"Do we have to go in? It's a school night and I don't want to be seen with all these college students." I whined as my sister was already climbing out of her car, ignoring my plea and leaving me behind. She slammed the door in the middle of my rant, so I scrambled out of the car, ready to chase her.

"First of all, it's a school night in college, that doesn't count. Second of all, we are celebrating you landing this wonderful job so quickly, you're only twenty-five. And lastly, shut up! You're beginning to sound like our mother!" Zelena demanded as she strolled down the sidewalk, full of confidence and toward the extremely tiny bar.

My mind was quickly sidetracked from the large group of people lingering near the doorway, smoking cigarettes. The cool, crisp evening air was suddenly filled with a thick gray cloud of smoke, making me cringe. I could already feel the bass of the music pumping violently in sync with my heart and I haven't even stepped inside yet. I clenched my fists tightly feeling the overwhelming sensation of anxious nerves crawling slowly up the back of my spine. This is not my scene, it never has been.

"I do not sound like mother!" I snapped once my mind cleared from my slight panic attack and I realized my sister was insulting me. "And I didn't land this job, mother was the one who set everything up," I explained again while walking a little faster to catch up to my older sister.

"She may have set it up sis, but you're the one that went through all those annoying interviews and won everyone over. That was all you darling!"

I felt a small smile tug at the corner of my mouth and soon it spread wide across my face with pride at my sister's admission. Zelena could be a pain in the ass sometimes, but she always has my back and knows exactly when praise is due.

When I achieved my bachelor's degree, I proceeded with my education and received my masters in two years. I continued after that to start my doctorate. I was halfway through when my mother was informed about this new position opening up. The professor was being forced to leave and luckily my mother was well acquainted with most of the faculty.

I followed my sister's lead into the bar, that was more along her style and her idea of an evening of fun. The moment I stepped inside the overly crowded dive bar, a wave of nausea hit me. I was quickly reminded as to why I fought the woman so hard about coming here tonight, but Zelena is exceptionally stubborn. My older sister always wins when we argue, it's those icy blue eyes that always scare me into submission.

My sister curled her fingers around my wrist and dragged me through the over populated bar. I tried my best to mutter a small, excuse me or I'm sorry as I bumped into people along the way. My heart hammered furiously in my chest as the pulsating music grew louder and louder. The air was thick around us, with people perspiring from dancing and their hot breath from shouting over the music. I cringed inwardly and made a mental note to scold my sister on her poor choice of "a fun evening out".

Finally, Zelena reached our destination and forcefully tugged on my arm one last time until I was propped up against the sticky bar top.

"Shots tonight sis!" Zelena beamed before she turned her attention to the attractive bartender.

The man was tall, dark and handsome to say the very least. His popped collar shirt was clinging to his ripped chest. My eyes drifted to his bulging biceps and I wondered if his sleeves might be cutting off circulation for how tight they appeared to be.

I know my boisterous sister and soon that man will be wrapped around her pretty little finger. I watched in amusement as she slid her upper body onto the bar top, indefinitely offering a nice view down her shirt for the young man. She flipped her silky smooth, long brown hair that shined brightly with a reddish tint in just the right light. Just then I felt a light tap upon my right shoulder.

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