Chapter Twenty Eight

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Emma Swan

"Of course, you slept with her!" Ruby exasperates, throwing her hands in the air a little too dramatically.

"Don't you think that's rushing things? Especially since she's still with Robin?" Belle questions cautiously while she gently places our coffee mugs down in front of us.

"It just felt right. We've been in love for six years. And you two told us constantly that we should admit our feelings, now we have," I shrug casually with a devilish smirk dancing across my face.

I know what we did was horribly wrong, but I can't stop this grin that seems to be permanently etched into my cheeks. I love Regina Mills with all my heart and I know this is right, I know we are meant to be.

"Ugh you two are exhausting," Ruby groans while rolling those playful eyes at me.

"Anyways, Belle what's up? Why did you bring us here?" I ask focusing my attention to the smaller brunette.

Belle had texted Ruby, Regina and I to come over to her apartment earlier. Regina said she wouldn't be able to come over because it was getting late and Henry had school in the morning.

"Well I wanted Regina to be here too, but I guess I'll tell her later. I'm engaged!"

Belle's dainty hand comes flying out across the table, showing off her elegant engagement ring. One large diamond sparkles beautifully in the light, holding its own against the smaller diamonds dancing around it. Ruby and I both squeal with delight as Ruby yanks Belle's hand, so we can inspect the ring closer.

"Aw Belle, I'm so happy for you!" I announce as I stand abruptly from my chair so I can pull my best friend into a hug.

"This is amazing!" Ruby screeches as she follows my lead.

"So, we are going to have an engagement party next weekend. So, mark your calendars, you're going to be bridesmaids," Belle giggles prompting Ruby and I to nod with pure excitement.

"Will we finally meet his son?" I ask.

"I don't think so, he says they drifted apart. He hasn't seen him in almost ten years. He actually doesn't even know where he is," Belle explains.

My phone vibrates in my back pocket, distracting me from my conversation.


My heart flutters just from reading her name. I open the message to find the most adorable picture of Regina and Henry. Her thick lips free of makeup are pouted out while Henry is showing off his cookie that's clenched between his teeth. The text below reads, we miss you!

I am so in love with them.

My heart is in a frenzy as my fingers fumble to type back a response.

Me: I miss you both so much! I'm coming over to watch movies and cuddle!

Regina: Are you forgetting it's a school night? Henry's just having some milk and cookies before bed.

Me: Awww, you just broke my heart.

Regina: BUT I'm free tomorrow morning after I drop him off at school. You're still staying at Ruby's, right? Will she be home?

Me: Yes. I haven't found any available apartments that are nice enough, yet, but that's not important. Ruby leaves around seven in the morning. So, eight thirty?

Regina: Yes Swan.

Me: Can't wait Mills!

"Wow! What has you beaming like that?" Belle questions with a sly smirk suggesting that she probably has an idea behind my goofy love sick grin.

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