Chapter Thirty One

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Emma Swan

"Henry, please," I plead with the rambunctious little boy, "I need to get you dressed."

"I'm not wearing a tie," he growls as he runs into the other room, stomping his feet with every step. I groan in response and push myself up off the floor.

Six months living with Regina and Henry and not once has he ever fought me the way he is right now. My son is boiling with rebellious anger and I'm clueless as to why.

I have been arguing with Henry for the past half hour now in Belle's hotel suite. Regina left as soon as she was ready to pick up our flowers for Belle's wedding. My two friends are dressed in their fancy gowns, hair perfectly in place, makeup painted flawlessly just watching me fail miserably as a mother.

Finally, Ruby steps in, taking pity on my soul and follows Henry into the other room.

"Henry please do it for Aunt Belle, it's her big day," Ruby softly encourages hoping to coax the little boy into putting on the damn tie.

"Please Henry, it would mean the word to me," Belle implores as Henry stands there with his arms folded across his chest, asserting his power over us.

"You're not my mothers," he snaps at the brunettes causing me to lose what little patience I had left for my son.

"No, but I am," I seethe as I take a step closer, "now I'm not going to ask you again. Put it on!" I bellow as my hand jabs in the space between us, forcing the tie into his face.

"You're not my mother either, you just got here!" He yells in my face as tears well up in his eyes.

I swear I could feel my heart breaking in two the moment those words left his lips. Instead of allowing myself to wallow in pity, my emotions flip into pure rage.

"Excuse me?" I question in disbelief. "I've been here for the last nine months, I'm not going anywhere!" In this moment, I know I have lost the upper hand and all my sanity was flung hazardously out the window.

"That's how long you were with my mom last time before you left us both!" He shouts as he slams his tiny foot into the carpet below. There is nothing but fury burning in his eyes as he stands his ground and stares me down.

"Damn, he's too smart for his own good," Ruby mutters from behind me. I quickly shoot her a pointed look that reads very clearly for her to shut the hell up.

I bend down on one knee, so I'm eye level with Henry. I reach out to take his hands in mine, but he snatches them away before we ever make contact. His lips are twitching in disgust while his nose flares with hot anger.

"Henry, I'm not going anywhere. I've made that mistake before, I won't do it again." I sigh when he continues to glare at me with nothing but hate. "I love you and your mom very much. We are a family now. Nobody can take that away."

I try my very best to control my temper. I know I need to be calmer and more understanding so that maybe he could believe in my words, but all I see when I look into his eyes is disappointment and anger.

"I want my mom!" He demands as he clenches his upper arms with all his might.

"Well she's out picking up the flowers right now."

Henry turns around and storms off into the bathroom making sure he slams the door hard enough for all of us to wince. I jump to my feet and scurry toward the bathroom door. I turn the knob but to my surprise he locked me out. I groan to myself while my knuckles tap furiously against the wooden door.

"Henry! Open up, now!"


"Dammit Henry! I am your mother, open this door!"

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