Chapter Twenty Four

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Emma Swan

I refuse to give up. I will do whatever needs to be done to prove to Regina she can trust me again. I want to be in their lives again. I'm not expecting her to forgive me right away or ever look at me in a romantic aspect ever again. I know that damage I've caused. I just need both of them in my lives again. I could survive knowing that one day we could be friends again. Henry never has to find out who I really am as long as I am allowed in his life. I just need them around. One of these days Regina's not going to be able to turn down Henry's adorable pout and we will go out for ice cream.

I've seen them four times this week alone. Once at the grocery store, Granny's, the park and her house of course. I was stupid enough to let them go once. I won't do that again.

Every year for the Fourth of July, there's always a big celebration in town. There's a carnival with tons of food and rides, along with fireworks tonight, once the sun sets. I'm hoping I will run into Regina and Henry, since I'll be with Ruby and Belle.

The heat was sweltering as it clung desperately to my sticky body. The air was filled with the mouthwatering aroma of delicious food being grilled. The sweet smell of funnel cake drifted through the air every so often, making me seek out a stand so maybe I can purchase one for Henry. Or maybe this was my chance to buy the kid an ice cream like he's been begging for.

"So, six years I hear wedding bells anytime soon?" I inquire while playfully nudging her shoulder.

"I hope so. I want to start a family. We already live together I don't see what the big deal is," Ruby and I both smile sympathetically.

This has been a main concern of Belle's for quite some time now. I hope her boyfriend isn't playing games with her heart, but six years is a very long time, especially for a man his age.

"But I want to know about this new woman in Ruby's life..." Belle winks and I think Ruby blushes for the first time ever.

"Yeah, yeah,'s all very new so let's not jinx it, okay?"

I decide this is my cue to bring up the topic of conversation, I'm sure both of these women are tired of hearing me whine about.

"So, um, do you guys think Regina will be here?" I mutter as I shove my hands into the back pockets of my jeans.

"They usually are. We meet them here every year," Belle confirms inspiring my heart to flutter and a shy smile to slip across my lips.

That was until I laid my eyes on her. Then my heart went into over drive, taking off with a speed I was not properly trained for. I've never seen Regina look so casual before in public. Of course, I saw her in t-shirts and yoga pants in bed but never in public.

Regina is wearing very short, light blue, jean shorts. Her tank top is a red sheer button down that contains slits running seductively down the back. Her thick lips are painted ruby red to match her shirt while those raven locks are loose and flowing all around her face.

I think I stopped breathing.

"Emma, are you okay?" Ruby asks as she notices how I'm completely lost in a trance.

I swallow hard and nod my head slowly, utterly lost in the beauty that is Regina Mills. Ruby and Belle follow my gaze until they spot Regina and Henry.

"Oh...damn Regina looks good. Do you think she's taunting you?" Ruby laughs as Belle covers up her mouth to stifle her own laughter.

"Not funny guys," I snap and begin making my way toward the pair.

I stop dead in my tracks when I see Robin twirl Regina around and kiss her embarrassingly hard. My stomach turns, and I beg myself to turn away but apparently my brain enjoys the torture.

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