Chapter Thirty Eight

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Emma Swan-Mills

My eyelids are growing heavy at this point from working such a long day. Working late tonight was by choice this evening because I was accomplishing something that in the end would benefit me. Regina and Henry were out to dinner with the Mills' tonight. I know my wife wanted me to come along as a buffer, but I had too much work piling up on my desk.

Around eight in the evening, my phone vibrated across my desk, demanding my attention from all my paperwork. I unlock the phone when I notice Regina had sent me a picture message. The second I open the message, a wave of nervousness strikes me to the core.

The picture is absolutely adorable, but the reasoning of the picture leaves me on edge. This picture has Regina and Henry both with pouty lips while a chocolate lab is squished in the middle of my family. I swallow the dry lump in the back of my throat and attempt to calm myself down. She better not have bought a dog because we never even had a conversation about pets.

Me: Gina...please tell me that's a stuffed animal.

My Wife: I cannot tell a lie.

Me: Regina...please tell me that Neal bought a dog because he's lonely.

My Wife: Try again...

Me: Regina Swan-Mills! That better not be our dog!

My Wife: But she's so cute! Think of her as Henry's early birthday present.

Me: You didn't even discuss this with me. You want us to take care of a dog and a newborn?!

My Wife: The baby won't be here for another seven months. Besides she's already trained, she's five years old. She was going to be put down. You would want me to just stand there while they kill this cute, innocent animal?

Me: You're so dramatic.

My Wife: Her name is Cocoa. Henry named her after all the hot chocolate you two drink.

Me: Not fair! Trying to butter me up.

My Wife: I would love to butter you up...

Me: What does that even mean? Stop trying to be cute. I'll be home in a little bit.

My Wife: We love you!

Me: Mmhmmmm...


The whole way home my mind was running through things I would like to say to my wife about her unexpected purchase, but I know I won't win this battle, Regina has always had me wrapped around her finger.

The moment I step into our foyer, Cocoa is right there to greet me. I expected her to jump all over me, maybe knock me down but she is sweet, I have to admit. Her wet nose brushes against my hand as she sniffs and takes in my scent. I run my palm over her head and down her neck, admiring how soft her chocolate coat is.

I kick off my shoes and head into the kitchen in search of my wife with a loyal dog hot on my heels. Regina notices my presence right away, sauntering over to me with a sly smirk upon her face. Those thick pouty lips stained in blood red lipstick puckered out to steal a kiss from my lips. I hastily divert from the contact and narrow my eyes at my wife.

"No kiss?" She innocently questions with her lips still pouting out dramatically.

"No, I'm mad at you!"

I toss my giant envelope onto the counter and huff purposely to prove my point. Regina eyes the envelope carefully but chooses not to comment just yet.

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