Chapter Thirty Six

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Emma Swan-Mills

"Henry! Come on, you're going to be late," I yell through the house as I finish making his sandwich for school. I lick the peanut butter off the knife and carelessly toss the utensil into the sink.

"You're going to cut your tongue one day," Regina sasses as she enters the kitchen, which inspires me to stick my tongue out at my wife.

"I'm pregnant leave me alone," I defend as I resume making Henry's lunch. Regina simply laughs at my childish ways and shakes her head.

"How are you feeling? Is it different than last time? I know the first three months are the hardest," she interrogates me with genuine smile.

"I feel a lot worse this time around. I want to throw up everywhere...all day!"

"Disgusting." Her usual pristine face morphs into a horrified expression. "Do you have to be so graphic?"

"Yes. Yes, I do if you want to understand," I smile in victory just as the doorbell rings to interfere with our lovely banter. "I'll get it, you go see what's taking your son so long. He's going to be late."

"That's because he's your son. Running late is your expertise!" She mocks as I slip away from the kitchen.

The doorbell rings again, slightly irritating my pregnant hormones. "I'm coming," I bellow through the long hall.

I jerk open the door to discover an older woman standing on our porch. She is dressed to impress in a high-end pantsuit. Her brown hair is styled to perfection and flowing elegantly around her shoulders. She is definitely much smaller than her high heels are presenting her to be. She smiles at me, but I can tell it is anything but sincere.

"Can I help you?" I ask, resting my body against the doorframe.

"I'm here to speak with Regina," she coldly replies.

"And you are...?" I drag out the question while her eyes scan my body up and down. I feel as though I'm being placed under a microscope, so she can detect all my flaws.

"You must be Emma." I furrow my eyebrows not understanding who this woman is or what she wants with my wife.

"Yes, and your name is?"

"Cora." My heart plummets. I can feel all the blood draining from my face. Regina's mother, what the hell is she doing here? "I can tell by your expression you know exactly who I am. Now I would like to speak with my daughter," she demands in a stern tone as if she has the upper hand in this situation.

"I don't think that's a good idea. She doesn't need any added stress to her life," I retort just as coldly as she is speaking to me.

"That's why I'm here, dear." Well now I know where Regina gets her dear from. "My daughter told me Regina was going through a hard time since she found out she cannot conceive a baby."

"Well Zelena should have never told you that. I will speak with her about keeping our lives out of her mouth. Especially with you!"

Rage is drumming viciously beneath my flesh as I stare this awful woman down. A warm hand slips over my shoulder, instantly relaxing the anger that threatens to escape.

"Who's at the-" Regina's words trail off once she sees the woman who betrayed her all those years ago. "Mother?" Breathlessly falls from her lips.

"Hello dear. I came to see how you are doing."

Henry wiggles his way between mine and Regina's legs and smiles up at the stranger before him.

"Is this my grandma?" He asks with such hope dancing in his sparkling green eyes.

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