Chapter Fifteen

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Emma Swan

"First of all, you're leaving our trio? And second of all, you honestly think it's a good idea to move in together when she's so clearly in love with you?" Ruby quipped as I stared blankly in shock, because I was baffled at her accusation.

"Regina's not in love with me."

"Oh please! She's only comfortable around you. She spends practically every night over here, doing everything and anything you want. Not to mention how she stares at you with such adoration," Ruby rolled her eyes at me but I still wasn't buying what she had to offer.

"Belle?" I asked seeking a second opinion.

"Well she's not the only one, we can tell you love her too," she admitted provoking my stomach to start doing backflips at the thought of Regina Mills being in love with me.

"We are just friends," I defended.

"And we are so sick of hearing that. Just tell her how you feel before you go through with this," Ruby suggested a little calmer than she was a few moments ago.

"No, I'm not going to put any added pressure on the situation. I'm lucky enough that she's offering her house and two extra bedrooms to us."

"Let's be honest, it will only be one room for Henry. You're going to stay in her bed every night." I furrowed my eyebrows and shook my head in denial.

"Anyways..." I wanted nothing more than to change this subject because I would give anything to be with Regina but I know it's not in the cards for us. "...Belle it's been like six months, when are we meeting this guy?" She sighed and bit her lower lip, expressing her anguish about her current relationship.

"Alright, if I let you guys meet him, promise me there will be no judgement," she sternly demanded.

Ruby barked out an obnoxious laugh. "Judgement? From who? The lesbian or the girl who's knocked up with her ex's baby and sleeping with her best friend?" I groaned at her admission and covered my face from the embarrassment that is my life.

"My life is so fucked up right now."

Ruby continued with her awful hackling, "Yeah it really is."

"Thanks!" I shot sarcastically causing all three of us girls to laugh out loud.

"Alright, this weekend I will invite him over."

"Can we get a name for right now?" I asked.

"Nah, its better this way," Belle replied, before heading to her bedroom, leaving us behind.


It's no wonder why Belle was apprehensive about bringing around her boyfriend. Robert Gold is a professor at the university we attended and he's a good twenty years older than us. I have no right to judge their life while I'm secretly in love with my best friend and continue sleeping with her when I'm straight.

Well I guess I'm not straight anymore.

Robert seemed nice enough though. He has been married before, with a son and is now divorced. Belle said she hasn't met his son yet but is nervous because they are close in age. Awkward. Either way I support her decision because she clearly loves him enough to stay with him and she's never liked anyone enough to even date.

I officially moved in with Regina two weeks ago and it has been wonderful. We are closer than ever in which I have a love hate relationship with our...whatever it is that we are. I love how close we are. I love how much she loves my son already. I love how everything she does is for my best interest. Then comes the hate. I hate that I can't grow a pair of balls and just ask her where we are. I hate that every time she looks at me she looks just as conflicted as I feel. I hate the idea of actually making her mine and losing her one day, just like Neal. I don't think I could stand that type of heart ache again.

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