Chapter Three

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Emma Swan

I watched my not so subtle friend, Ruby, walk around to the other side of the table, wedging herself between Regina and I. A small chuckle escaped my lips which earned myself a sharp elbow to the ribs, which was a warning to keep my mouth shut. I can't tell if this Regina is straight, gay or bi but that doesn't seem to bother Ruby right now, she's on a mission.

Neal quickly returned with a tray full of shots, placing it very carefully onto the table.

"I was taught never to accept drinks from strange men," Regina coldly stated. My eyebrows drew together as I tried to figure out if she was joking, but the bitchy look upon her face is expressing that she's dead serious.

"Free drinks, I'm in," Zelena smiled snatching up a shot glass. When Regina refused to make a move toward the offered drinks, I decided to say something.

"Neal, isn't a stranger. He's been my boyfriend for five years now," I explained while rolling my eyes at the stuck up brunette.

"Besides," Neal wrapped his strong arms around my ribs and rested his chin upon my shoulder, "I only have eyes for this knock out!" His warm lips pressed firmly against my cheek causing me to breakout into a smile. This time it was Regina who was rolling her eyes as she leaned forward, finally accepting a shot.

"You'll learn to ignore their PDA!" Ruby gently bumped Regina's shoulder, throwing her slightly off balance, inspiring my lips to curl into a smirk.

"Or learn to love it. They're quite adorable," Belle gushed smiling up at me. My Belle, she's so sweet, such a genuinely nice person and that's why I keep her around.

"So how long have you all known each other?" Zelena asked before she tossed back her shot.

"Well I've known Ruby and Belle since I was sixteen. They've known each other since they were five. We met Neal when we were seventeen," I explained as I held up a shot glass with my two girls mirroring my image. We clinked our glasses together, smiling proudly over our friendship, before we slammed back another shot.

"I'll go grab you another rum and coke babe," Neal whispered into my ear while I nodded along. It was nearly impossible for me not to notice the way Regina was intently watching us.

"Let's go dance ladies!" Ruby squealed as she reached for Regina's hand. The TA pulled away before Ruby even touched her.

"I don't dance dear," Regina looked back at her sister but Zelena rolled her eyes in return.

Dear? That's weird for someone our age to say.

"My sister is a bore! I had to drag her ass out of the house tonight! Come on promiscuous one," Zelena laughed as she grabbed Ruby's hand to lead her to the dance floor.

Even though Belle is painfully shy, she never refuses dancing when she's had a few drinks. Belle grabbed onto Ruby's other hand as Zelena led them through the crowd. I watched my friends closely before a thick, raspy voice was demanding my attention.

"Does your boyfriend always enjoy cleaning up vomit?" I turned to face the brunette in confusion.


"How many more drinks and shots is he going to bring you?" She snapped. At first, I didn't respond as I pondered for a moment what her angle was.

"Don't worry about me, I can handle myself. What's it to you anyways?" I asked feeling a bit defensive.

"None of my concern dear."

There's that dear again.

"Okay..." I didn't know what else to say to this woman. I brought her over for Ruby but clearly, she's not interested. I can't tell if she doesn't like us or just Neal or what her problem is. Either way her attitude is a buzzkill.

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