Chapter Thirty Nine

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Regina Swan-Mills

I watch through heavy eyelids as the love of my life pulls back from my lips. "There's something I want to try," she mutters with a playful grin slowly invading her face.

I study my wife as she slowly pulls out from my clutches and turns around on her heel. She sprints on light toes through our rented home and makes her way to the back patio. She yanks the heavy door open and peeks over her shoulder in a sly manner with a wolfish grin spreading across her face.

As I take a few steps forward she disappears from my view into the warm evening outside. Once I am outside, I shut the heavy glass door behind me and peer out into the ocean.

The cool wind from the beach whips around my body causing me to wrap my arms securely around myself on instinct. Despite how warm the midnight air just might be. I take in every detail about this glorious moment. I listen as the waves crash along the beach, calming every muscle that aches in my body. My head falls back to absorb the serene sky dusted with beautifully twinkling stars and a full moon that's glowing vibrantly.

I step off the patio just in time to watch Emma running toward the water. I examine the way her back muscles tighten as she lifts her shirt up and over her head, aimlessly tossing the clothing onto the sandy beach below. Little specks of sand fly up from below Emma's feet as she continues to run. Halfway there my wife's bra is discarded. When she is almost to the water I watch her firm ass shimmy out of her shorts and silky thong. I am frozen in place, watching the blonde woman before me.

I begin my journey walking down the sandy beach picking up my wife's garments along the way. I try to soak up this moment. The way the moon bounces off her pale skin, causing her body to glow in just the right spots. The way she moves around so effortlessly without a care in the world. I have never seen Emma look so free than in this moment. I can tell all the pain from her past is finally being healed.

She is at peace.

Emma starts walking slowly into the water, allowing the waves to crash into her thighs. Her naked form turns around with a teasing smile dancing upon her face.

"Come on Mills!" I shake my head in defiance but I'm still smirking at the courageous blonde.

"No way Swan!"

"Why not?" She bellows over the amplified sounds of the waves crashing into the shore. Her thin lips are pouting out like a small child begging for a piece of candy.

"This is a public beach! Anyone could see us."

"Look around, there's nobody here. Besides, if someone did see us...who cares! We will never see them again," she shrugs carelessly before she falls back into the water. I shake my head again and roll my eyes at her playful side that I find absolutely adorable. Soon her soaking wet locks pop out of the water. "The water feels amazing!"

"I am not skinny dipping, in the ocean...on a public beach," I insist firmly as Emma attempts to splash me. Her open palms smack against the water near her thighs.

"Don't make me come get you!" She threatens flashing me a devilish grin.

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Yes, I would, and I would toss you in with all your clothes on too. So, you might as well strip and join your wife."

"Not gonna happen Em," I firmly state once again prompting my wife to stalk her way toward me.

The way her hips sway effortlessly as she walks through the water has my body tingling in all the right places. My wife honestly looks like she belongs in some Sports Illustrated magazine, the way her toned body glistens with the ocean water clinging to her naked skin. She runs her fingers through her wet hair and I wonder if she knows what she is doing to me.

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