Chapter Twenty Three

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Regina Mills

Five long years and this woman shows up out of the blue and pretends like everything is okay. I will not allow her to come and disrupt my life once more. Especially with my son involved.

I still cannot understand how quickly Henry took to his birth mother. Henry has always been a shy little boy who never speaks to strangers, but the moment their eyes connected, it was like their souls connected as well. I was stunned watching the way he interacted with Emma. Maybe he senses some bond with her. She is his birth mother after all and she was around for a little over a month.

This is ludicrous, there's no way after one month he still feels a bond with her.

The scorching hot sun from our July weather was a bit much today. So, I decided to keep Henry inside in the air conditioning and watch some movies instead of facing that treacherous heat.

"I'm going to make us some sandwiches, you pick out what movie you want to watch okay honey?"

"Mommy, if I eat my sandwich and my side, can I have some ice cream?"

His green eyes dance with his adorable pout, knowing all too well that I could never truly say no to his face. I pull his little body into my lap and attack his ribs with playful tickles.

"Are you going to eat all your apple slices?"

His giggles burst from his lips as he squirms in my lap to free himself from my torturing fingertips.

"Mommy! Stop!" He gasps for air but I don't quit. The sweet sound of his laughter is music to my ears. It's always the highlight of my day.

"Never! Tell me, will you eat all your fruit?"

"I promise mommy!" He squeals, and my fingers desist.

I pull my son up onto my lap and kiss the top of his head. Henry breathes heavily into my chest as he tries to calm down from his fit of giggles.

"So, I get ice cream?" My son questions again while wiggling his eyebrows. I bark out an uncontrolled laugh from how adorable he is.

"Of course, sweetie." I kiss his forehead one last time before I gently maneuver him to sit down beside me. A soft knock echoed through my house causing my brows to pinch together in confusion. I wasn't expecting Robin until later. "Henry, stay here while I answer the door."

"Okay mommy."

I brush his shaggy hair to one side before I stand from the couch to answer the door. I didn't bother checking to see who was standing on the other side. I jerked open the door to find her behind it.

Long golden locks were pulled back into a high ponytail out of convince from the heat. My eyes drift a little lower to take in the tight white tank top, contrasting beautifully against her sun kissed skin. She is sporting dark jean shorts that expose way too much of her long, toned legs, forcing my feet to stayed glued to the ground.

"Hi," she mumbles as she shifts nervously between her feet.

"What do you want? I told you specifically to stay away!" I attempt to slam the door in her face because that's what she deserves, but she quickly wedges her foot in the doorway.

"Please can we talk?"

"There's nothing to discuss. You have no rights to Henry and I don't want you around my son!"

I push on my front door again, but her foot remains glued to the floor, clearly, she won't be caving anytime soon. No matter how many times I slam this door against her foot.

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