Chapter Thirty

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Emma Swan

Henry didn't seem too phased by his mother's break up with Robin, which didn't surprise me the least bit. Henry always kept his distance from the man and as the boy so kindly put it, mommy didn't like all his kisses. Regina cushioned the blow explaining that he would still see Robin's son, Roland, at school.

As much as Regina and I were dying to pick up exactly where we left off, we knew that wouldn't be possible with a five year old around. I would refrain from sleeping over but if I did accidentally fall asleep I would be out the door by six in the morning, knowing damn well that kid has my DNA running through his veins. Henry is not a morning person at all.

For the first month, we would only bring Henry around me twice a week. Each outing was fairly short, resuming our previous arrangements with ice cream visits or trips to the park. Regina was the one who initiated most of the visits. It's cute how she used my son as bait to dangle in front of me. A perfect excuse for her to see me and never have to admit that she secretly wants to spend time with me.

By the following month, our visits increased. Regina, Henry and I were having dinner together most nights. More movie nights cuddled up on the couch together which turned into a lot more accidental sleepovers.

Three glorious months with the loves of my life. I never had a family growing up, so I make sure to indulge in every moment spent together. I never take one single second for granted. I've seen the pathetic excuse for a life without them and I vow to never let them slip through my fingers again.

Regina had an early work meeting, so she asked if I could take Henry to school this morning. Of course, I happily obliged, loving our time spent together. I honestly can't get enough of him.

I pour the thick maple syrup onto his pancakes and slide the breakfast in front of Henry. His little legs are hanging, swinging back and forth from the barstool as he sits at the kitchen counter. His head is bobbing along as he hums some song I can't make out, while he shoves forkfuls into his mouth.

I want to squish him!

I start packing his lunch, making sure I add something healthy per Regina's request.

"You're here like all the time," he comments, slightly startling me from my task at hand.

I clench my chest for dramatic affect and gasp at his words.

"Ugh! Do you not like me? That's it, I'm leaving!" I tease eliciting the most adorable sound of giggles from my favorite little boy.

"No! I like you Emma. You're the best!"

"Good because I like you! You're the bestest!" I lean across the counter and tap his freckled nose. His little nose scrunches up as he smiles brightly. "But you know your mom had an early meeting." I pause and duck my head down, so I can catch his gaze. "Wait, are you old enough to stay alone?" I joke around causing another outbreak of laughter.

"No! But even when my mom is here, you're always here too."

Through his thick brown eyelashes, he peers up at me with inquisitive eyes. I squint my eyes at the young boy and ponder what he is trying to get at.

"Okay kid, what are you trying to ask me?"

Henry simply shrugs his shoulders while setting down his fork.

"Can I be done?"

"One more bite and you can be done," I instruct in which he obeys, taking one last bite. "Okay go brush your teeth and come right back down. We have to get going," I order.

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