Chapter Twenty Seven

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Regina Mills

Three months since Emma came crashing back into our lives. She has kept her word, only asking to visit with Henry once a week for a trip to our favorite ice cream shop. Yet, I find myself inviting the other woman to the park or sometimes the movies without a second thought.

I know I have to end things with Robin because my heart isn't dedicated to our relationship anymore. I actually don't know if I ever really loved the man. I cared for him, there's no denying that, but love? As my mind wanders back to memories of my relationship with him, I see a friendship. Robin is very attractive, attentive and sweet but I just don't feel the same type of affection for him as I do with Emma.

My son invited Emma over to watch a movie tonight. Of course, the young boy sees this evening as an innocent, fun activity but I'm terrified. Robin is working late this evening and his son is with his ex-wife. So, it's just going to be us three and I'm not sure how to handle this situation.

We've been friendly on our outings, honestly, we have easily fallen right back into our friendship, just without the sex portion.

"What movie are you going to pick?" Emma asks Henry as he scans his collection of movies.

Mother and son were both kneeling on the floor admiring at all the labels perfectly lined up below the television. Whenever those two were next to each other, I carefully inspect every inch of their faces. Henry resembles his birth mother so much, it's almost uncanny. He has her thin, pale lips. A light dust of freckles splayed across his nose, most people don't even recognize that Emma possesses the same feature. Not to mention, the green eyes with warm golden specks contrasting beautifully against one another.

"Lion King. Wait no, Aladdin. Hmm. Toy Story!" Henry shouts as he tries to decide.

"Snow White?" Emma suggests triggering a disgusted look by my son.

"Too girly! Besides my mom loves the villain. She says they're people who've had their heart broken too many times, they are just misunderstood."

My cheeks burn crimson at my son's declaration. Emma peeks over into my direction with a sly smirk dancing across her lips.

"Lilo and Stitch!" Henry finally chooses as he pulls the movie from the shelf and rushes over to me, so I can pop it in the DVD player.

Henry insists laying on the loveseat by himself, stating that he's a big boy now and needs his own space. His tiny little body crawls up onto the couch and instantly curls into the fetal position. I sweep his hair off to one side while I cover him up with his favorite blanket and stuffed monkey.

Emma graciously stays attached to the armrest on the couch. My body is twitching with nerves as I sit down on the other end of the couch. The entire middle cushion along with half a cushion from each of our sides is keeping us a safe distance apart.

My eyes are straining onto the screen in front of me. Colorful cartoons dance around the television along with my son's adorable giggles, but nothing is registering in my mind. I can practically feel the heat radiating off the woman that is almost an entire couch away from me.

"I'm cold," Emma whines.

My face contort into the most dumbfounded expression I think I have ever displayed. There's no way she's cold. I flash her a stern look before reaching behind me and tossing her a fleece throw blanket from the back of the couch.

Her long-toned legs stretch across the couch, her feet resting casually in front of my lap. Then she proceeds to cover her legs with the blanket, as well as mine. My eyes flick toward her face to discover her infamous goofy grin plastered across her face.

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