Chapter Ten

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Regina Mills

I followed the stumbling blonde back to her bedroom. The first thing I noticed was her dresser drawers were hanging open and her clothes thrown all around. The sun was just starting to peek over the horizon, illuminating a soft orange glow throughout her room.

My head was fuzzy from the alcohol, my body was aching from the lack of sleep and I couldn't wait to crawl into bed. Emma walked around her room closing the drapes to block out any of the light, so we could rest.

We both climbed into her bed, scooting beneath the warmth of her blankets. Emma's bed was always flooded with extra pillows and blankets, making the bed more fluffy and comfortable. Lying next to Emma, in her bed, was nothing new to me. This has become routine over the past month, but right now, it felt different. Something between us changed whether we want to admit it or not. I truly cannot pinpoint what this feeling is, and I don't think Emma understands it either.

Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by the familiar scent of vanilla and cinnamon invading my personal space. Her long smooth leg was gently gliding across mine in a teasing manner, testing her boundaries. Emma slid on top of my body, pressing her flushed skin against mine. Her hands were supporting her body on both sides of my ribs while her long golden locks were flowing all around our faces, tickling my cheeks.

I opened my eyes to be met with Emma's signature smile. Her stupid, goofy, shit eating grin that I thought I might not see for a long time since he broke her. That grin was contagious, and I tried to fight against mine that was slowly spreading.

We both leaned forward, meeting halfway to connect our lips into a delicate kiss. Only this time the kiss was far more frantic than I anticipated, and I knew she needed me to distract her. She was desperate for my touch because I was her temporary relief from all the pain. To my own surprise, I didn't mind. I could be this for her, I could be a good friend and take away all that heartache, if that's what she needed me to be.

I gripped the back of her neck pulling her in closer, provoking Emma to slowly roll her hips. An electrifying spark burst straight to my core prompting my eyes to fly open.

What is going on with me? Why am I so turned on by a woman? I've never been with a woman before but now I cannot fathom how I was ever with a man. I tried to rid myself from my life altering thoughts, to only focus on this moment.

Emma hummed softly against my lips and I actually felt my heart swell. I ignored the feeling and focused on the task at hand. My fingers slithered beneath her shirt to drag my nails against her silky bare skin. This time her moan was deeper, filled with need. That's when the room became unbearably bright.

"Emma! Do you and your boyfriend always have to be humping like rabbits!" Ruby shouted as she stomped into the room. Our actions came to a screeching halt as Emma reached behind her to lift the blanket over our heads. "Oh, now you cover up? But the last five years, it was all, come watch how bendy we can be, please listen to the disturbing noises our bodies make..."

"Fuck Ruby, shut up!" Emma bellowed from under the blanket.

Emma and I were perfectly still as her forehead rested against mine. The air was thick and the only scent that surrounded our hideaway was stale wine from our breaths. That was until a cold breeze hit us as Ruby ripped the blanket from our hiding faces.

"Mills?! Fuck, Emma!" Ruby screeched in disbelief causing Emma and I to wince from the volume.

Emma groaned as she rolled off my body and the intensity of the situation hit me hard. I wish there was a way to make myself disappear. My whole body was tingling from the embarrassment I felt. The walls felt like they were closing in on me and there simply wasn't enough air to breathe.

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