Chapter Seven

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Emma Swan

I slammed the door behind me, a little bit harder than I initially intended too. I'm angry with my friends for always passing judgment on Neal, but honestly, I'm angrier with myself than my friends.

I know Neal has dipped his hands into some shady things before. I always just brushed it off and looked the other way. He always insists that once I graduate and we get ahead in life, he will stop. My boyfriend never divulges in the details of what he's actually doing, he always shrugs off the speculation and says it's not that bad or I don't need to worry myself over it.

A light knock suddenly tapped against my door. I don't have to ask, I know it's Regina. If it was Ruby, she would've barged her way through already, as if this were her room. Regina and I have become very close but she's still a little standoffish, thanks to her mother. Although I know Regina has come a long way in a short period of time. I'm so proud of myself for wiggling my way into her life and finally persuading her to open up to me. I've been slowly picking away the icy wall her mother built up around her heart. I'm honored she's a part of my life now and I honestly couldn't imagine a world without Regina Mills.

"Come in Regina," I mocked, prompting the door to slowly creek open. Her raven hair peeked around the corner cautiously before she entered.

"Are you alright Emma?" She asked lingering in the doorway. I mentally laughed thinking how uncomfortable she appears in this situation.

"You can come in all the way." She smiled shyly before she pushed herself off the door and walked over to my bed. She didn't sit down which took me by surprise, instead she made sure to keep a safe distance.

"Are you upset with what I said?"

"I don't understand why you and Ruby are so hard on Neal. He's trying his best for the both of us," I tried to reason.

"I understand that, but he doesn't have to do anything illegal. Do you even know what he's doing?"

"It's none of your business. It's mine, he's my boyfriend. Besides I thought you weren't going to cause any problems between us?" I snapped as my frustrations consumed my actions. I hadn't realized I was now yelling at my friend until I noticed the brunette wince.

"I said I wouldn't and I'm not. I'm just offering some friendly advice. I don't want-"

"I know. I know. You don't want me to get hurt." I exasperate. "Regina I've been with the guy for five years. He's never once hurt me. I'm fine."

"Okay then, end of discussion," Regina replied as her eyes casted nervously toward her feet, but I was still heated.

"Not okay then, because you will still be all judgey every time you see him!"

"Judgey?" She inquired causing her concerned eyes to flick up to meet my gaze.

"Yes! You are always judging him and giving him weird looks!" I retorted. My annoyance was growing rapidly only inspiring my tongue to become more defensive for my boyfriend's sake.

Even though, I know she's right. I know something fishy is occurring behind my back and instead of fixing it, I'm placing the blame on Regina. I'm lashing out all my frustrations on her, knowing how wrong I am, but I can't seem to stop this downward spiral.

"Well I apologize if that's what you think. I am always respectful toward him," she explained as kindly as she could manage, but I could see the hurt building in her eyes. She's trying very hard to be a good friend and I'm being a down right bitch. It's just easier to argue with Regina than face the facts.

"Respectful and genuinely nice are two different things."

"Okay..." she stretched out the simple word as she began collecting her belongings from my bed. "I think it's best if I leave."

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