Chapter Six

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Regina Mills

The days seemed to turn into weeks and the weeks quickly morphed into months. I've spent all my free time over the past two months learning everything there is to know about Emma Swan. I've never known a friendship like this besides my sister. If I were being honest with myself, Emma and I have become inseparable recently.

Professor Glass never returned to class, so I was asked to finish off the school year which I was more than happy to oblige. I was worried in the beginning about my friendship with Emma for no reason because she has proved that we can remain friends outside of class as we are professional in class. She's a very intelligent woman which I'm thankful for. There's no reason why I need to fight some inner morale about special treatment.

Emma and I are both lazily propped up in her bed with our backs against her headboard. I'm grading the final essays before we prepare for finals while Emma is working on an essay for another class. Our legs are both nestled under her blanket while we work in silence. Emma has her laptop resting upon her lap with her fingers furiously typing away. She's wearing her favorite baggy shirt, that belongs to Neal and her hair is piled high into a messy ponytail. She has those damn sexy glasses on and if I wasn't so straight she might be able to turn me. I was in my yoga pants and an extremely soft fleece that Emma kindly borrowed to me. Every so often the smell of vanilla mixed with cinnamon clouds my mind. It's a warming fragrance that I've learned to associate with the blonde now.

Ruby swung open Emma's bedroom door, pulling me from my wandering thoughts. Emma and I both grabbed our stuff securely hoping nothing would fall off the bed, knowing all too well that she is about to jump onto the bed.

"I thought by now you'd be in my bed! She's the straight one!" Ruby teased pointing to Emma.

"As am I dear," I firmly stated as I rolled my eyes at the flirtatious brunette.

After a few weeks of trying to hook up with me, Ruby final gave up. Which I am so thankful for, she's sweet but I don't find her or any woman for that matter attractive. Well that's not completely eyes wandered to the blonde sitting next to me as a small smile forms without my permission.

"What's up Rubes? We are trying to work here," Emma mumble, not bothering to look up from her computer screen.

"Are you guys gonna be locked up in here all day? Let's go do something!"

"Where's Belle? Go bother her," Emma stated staring very intently at her screen, ignoring her friend. Her thumb was tucked securely between her teeth as she read something over. A cute little nervous habit that I have discovered over the last few months.

"She's out...on a date..." Ruby grinned from ear to ear as Emma slowly pushed her laptop aside.

"Get out!" Emma exclaimed.

"Am I missing something?" I questioned in confusion. I don't see why that would be a surprise, Belle is a very beautiful, intelligent girl.

"Belle, is painfully shy, you don't see it because she's comfortable around Ruby and I. She never goes out on dates." The corners of my mouth curled into a frown as I thought about this confession.

"Poor girl is still a virgin," Ruby confessed as Emma quickly whipped a pillow at her face.

"That's not for us to blab about!" Emma scolded.

"Oh, come on! It's Mills for crying out loud. You two tell each other everything," she groaned.

I tried desperately to force back my smile, but I was too ecstatic about having a true friend. Just then I noticed Neal leaning on the frame in the doorway.

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