Chapter Eleven

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Emma Swan

I turned off my alarm before it even had a chance to sound this morning. Apparently, I didn't need a wakeup call this Thursday morning. I haven't truly slept at all this week. I would maybe get an hour or so here and there, but I've been spending most of my nights tossing and turning. The last good night sleep I had was the morning Regina slept over.

The lovely woman has been calling every day to check up on me and on Tuesday she even brought me dinner. Now it's time for her seven-a.m. class and I'm dreading it. I've been attending all my classes this week but trying to stay focused has been hell.

I just can't wrap my head around the fact, Neal was caught. Five years with that man, wasted. I thought, no, I believed with everything I had that we were going to end up together. I would graduate, we would get married and maybe even have kids after I turned thirty. Now all that is gone, and I'm left with nothing. Nothing but memories that haunt me. My room, my car, my house, are filled with five years' worth of memories.

He even haunts my dreams. I keep having the same reoccurring dream, just when I am beginning to fall asleep. It's of Neal one day coming back to find me and he tells me how sorry he is. That's when I wake up in a cold sweat and that's exactly why I can't sleep. It's the same vicious cycle that I can't seem to break no matter how hard I try. Ruby and Belle are doing their best to keep me occupied but they are just a reminder of him as well.

I reluctantly rolled out of bed, throwing my hair up into a messy ponytail. I walked into my bathroom and stared at my reflection.

I don't even know that girl anymore. Fuck, I look terrible.

I tried to put my contacts in, but it was no use. My eyes were too puffy and irritated from all my crying. I slipped my glasses on and continued to prepare myself for another miserable day.


I decided this morning I should sit a little closer to the front of the class. I'm having a hard time listening so maybe this will help me stay focused. I heard the all too familiar sound of clicking heels against the tile and I knew my best friend wasn't too far. Hopefully she will cheer me up.

Miss Mills walked into the class and my first reaction was to swallow...hard.

Damn why am I finding her so attractive today? Maybe from that kiss?

My eyes wandered across her petite frame. She had on a pair of suede boots that ran all the way above her knee with a high heel. A small portion of her olive skin was on display before her black skirt was there.

First of all, that skin peeking out, what a tease! Second, that skirt is a mini skirt, a little on the risky side for school. She wore a silk black blouse that was low enough to see her cleavage popping out, with a maroon blazer over.

Why am I checking out my friend?

Regina strolled effortlessly through the classroom toward her desk but stopped in front of mine first. She placed her fingers on my desk and leaned down for only my ears to hear.

"Are you okay, Miss Swan?"

Her brown eyes were full of concern, but her tone was authoritative. I nodded slowly because my mind couldn't muster up words fast enough. She presented a stern nod in return and made her way to her desk before starting class.

My head was spinning as I watched her walk away. We were drunk and just experimenting, right? So why am I feeling this sudden rush of excitement when I see her? I'm looking at this woman in a whole new light and I swear she's glowing like an angel. This is impossible, there's no way that I'm developing feelings for this friend.

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