Chapter Thirty Three

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Emma Swan

I securely hold Regina's hand as I lead her down to a little pond away from the wedding. We have some down time before the reception, so I thought we better figure this out before we ruin Belle's wedding, along with our night as well. We discover a little bench near the water and I sit down, pulling Regina in close next to me.

"I wonder if he knew his dad was marrying Belle?" I incoherently mumble as my first thought that comes to mind pops out of my mouth. This statement earns myself a death glare from my obviously livid girlfriend.

"That's what you are wondering about?" She snaps.

"A little bit," I mutter as I shrug my shoulders. Regina huffs our her anger and turns her head away from me but I'm not about to let her rage scare me off.

"Regina?" I grip her chin firmly between my index finger and thumb and guide her head back in my direction. "You're not worried about us, now that Neal's here, are you?" I timidly question staring deep into those enchanting cocoa colored eyes.

"What do you think Swan?" She spits coldly as she holds my gaze. I feel like a small child being scolded as her eyes burn right through me.

"I thought we talked about this, I'm not going anywhere. Don't you trust me?" I was starting to feel defeated. What's the point of our relationship if she doesn't trust me?

"I know what he meant to you. Remember, I was the one who sat with you in a bath tub while you cried. I was the one who watched you wither away into nothing while he was gone," she demands with conviction lacing each and every word.

"And if you remember, I kissed you that night in the bathtub. I came out of that dark place because of you!" I inhale a deep breath preparing myself to explain as best as I can to calm down my girlfriend's worries. "To me, he's just a ghost of my past. Yes, he was my first love and yes, I may always have a special place in my heart for him, but only because he gave us Henry. But you Regina, are my forever." She sucks her plump lip between her teeth as she ponders over my words. "Gina, remember the night I left?" She slowly nods as her eyes bore into mine. "I told you that Henry was my heart, so therefore I would be forever yours. I mean that, I want you to be my forever. I'm not going anywhere. When I just saw Neal, I felt nothing. It was like I was hugging a brother. When I look at you, my heart races, my palms get all sweaty, just the way you hate them," I tease, "butterflies take over my stomach, my legs turn to mush. I love you," I declare as I rest my forehead against hers.

We both sigh heavily as my eyes flutter close. I press my lips into her plump flesh, stained with red lipstick. My heart flutters as I think about wanting to smudge her lipstick, so everyone knows she's mine. My tongue sweeps across her lips, forcing her mouth open so I can taste the mint still lingering upon her tongue.

Her hands grips the back of my neck firmly as she pulls me closer. My first instinct is to moan in response as a shock of need sparks my core. I break the kiss instantly as my body starts to lose control.

"Regina, we have to stop because I want you so bad right now," I pant as I gasp for air.

My confession must have turned her on even more as her evil smirk, that I love so much, creeps across her face. She lifts one leg and straddles my lap. She casually drapes her arms over my shoulders and rests her forehead against mine.

I cannot peel my eyes away from her mouth. One side is curling up into a grin as she bites the other side down between her pearly white teeth. She is radiating raw sexuality and that is enough to sweep my mind clear of any previous thoughts.

"You are going to be the death of me," I groan as my eyes stay focused on her lips.

Her right hand snakes down my collarbone, allowing her fingertips to delicately skim down my chest, dipping between the valley of my breasts, across my stomach and still right at the hem of my dress. Her brown eyes sparkle with mischief as they hold my gaze.

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