Chapter Twenty One

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Emma Swan

I settled into my small, one-bedroom studio in Boston. It's taken me some time to grow accustomed to the size, considering the place I had before with Ruby and Belle, and then the townhouse with Regina.

I'm working as an assistant for a foster system, while I'm still attending school for my masters. I mostly just handle filing paperwork and answering phones. I'm simply paying my dues because one day, I want to be able to place children with loving foster families. I don't ever want someone to fear their child won't be taken care of, like I did when I was thinking about putting Henry up for adoption.

My days consist of work, school and minimal sleep. Even if I have a day off and time to rest, I can't sleep. Henry and Regina are always on my mind. It's been almost a year since I left, and I can't help but wonder how big he is now. I constantly dream about how he probably interacts with Regina and how much she loves him.

They are both better off without me.

My eyes scan over each piece of mail that I flip rapidly through. Every time I check my mail, my heart flutters with hope, that maybe there will be something about him. I have no reason to feel this way. Regina owes me nothing in life except maybe a free ride to an electric chair for the damage I've caused.

"Are you Emma Swan?"

My head snapped up to find a boy watching me carefully. He must have been around the age of fourteen, so I glanced around looking for a parent or someone older, who should be looking after this boy.

"Yes," I hesitantly confirmed.

"This is for you," he smiled up at me with a goofy grin and handed me a blank envelope.

I snatched the offered mail from the boy, flashing him a quizzical look in the process. My finger sliced through the paper as I ripped the envelope open. I narrowed my eyes at the teenager once again before I peered down into the envelope. My eyes doubled in size when I saw nothing but one hundred-dollar bills lined up. My head shot up, but the kid was already strutting away.

"Hey kid! Where did you get this?"

The boy slowly turned around, he simply shrugged his shoulders with a wide smile and then ran off down the street.

I slammed my tiny mailbox shut and ran upstairs to my apartment. I tossed everything down as soon as I stumbled inside. I hurried to my kitchen and sat down at my counter.

I pulled out all the neat, crisp, one hundred-dollar bills and began to count. When I reached the center of the stack I found a note, but I pushed the piece of paper aside and continued to count not wanting to lose my train of thought.

I sat back in my stool and gasped at the piles of money before me. Five grand. Five thousand dollars, sitting on my kitchen counter. I picked up the note and tapped the paper against the counter, working up my courage to see who on Earth could've sent me this kind of money.

When curiosity got the best of me, I unfolded the paper and read the note.

My Emma,
I told you not a day would go by that I wouldn't think of you. I'm so sorry for messing up our lives. I have to find a new place to live but before I go I thought you could use some help. I always want to help you and be there even if I physically can't. I hope this can help with rent or classes, whatever you need. I will always love you!

I read the letter over and over again. He always loved leaving little letters for me to find. I sat back and nervously fiddled with the note.

How the hell did he find out where I am currently living?

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