Chapter Thirteen

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Emma Swan

The expression gracing Regina's face excites me and terrifies me all at the same time. I can't tell if she is holding back because she is scared to be with a woman but then again, she seemed to enjoy that kiss we shared a few months ago. Maybe she just doesn't find me attractive at all? Maybe she has actual feelings for me and doesn't want to end up hurt. I pray that's the reason why.

I've never felt so content with another person before. She makes me want to fall in love all over again, which I never thought possible after Neal left me. She makes me believe that I can keep this baby. I just don't think she could ever return my feelings. I know she's into men, I've heard plenty of stories regarding that topic. I know the only reason why she kissed me a few months ago was because she was trying to be a good friend and help me through my rough night.

I am terrified to push our relationship any further with her, but my need for her is a lot stronger than fear. I thought when I took off my pants an hour ago, that maybe something would happen, but she didn't make a single move, which makes me doubt her attraction to me. I just couldn't hold back any longer, I need her now.

Our kiss started off timid as we both tried to process what was to come. I shifted slightly in her lap, so my hot center was pressed against her smooth thigh.

"You're so wet already," she breathlessly whispered against my lips.

I'm not quite sure if those words were ever meant for my ears, but it was the extra boost of confidence I needed. I pressed forward, instantly deepening the kiss, turning the tempo into a frantic, desperate need for one another.

My hands worked to their own accord, reaching for the bottom of Regina's tank top and in one swift motion I lifted it over her head. Only breaking our kiss for a moment as I tossed the top across the room. Regina's lips found a new destination, latching onto my neck. Her soft lips descended down my sensitive skin. My head fell back from the pleasure as she moved to the swell of my breasts. This bra was barley keeping my chest covered since my breasts have begun to swell from the baby.

My fingers snaked their way to the back of Regina's neck, gripping her firmly, while my other hand held onto the back of the headboard for support. Her fingertips swept carefully across my ribs toward my back before she unclasped my bra. As she slid the red straps down my arms, shivers ran down my spine causing my flesh to breakout in goosebumps. I was so turned on by this woman, but I needed to remain calm. I told her I would take the lead.

I pulled away slowly smirking at the brunette bombshell before me. I slowly slid down her legs and balanced on my knees as I gripped her hips and yanked her down to lay flat on her back beneath me. A sultry, ragged breath escaped her full lips and that's when I knew she wanted this just as much as I do. That beautiful sound filled me with the courage I needed to proceed.

I curled my fingers in the waistband of her shorts in which she lifted her hips, so I could pull them off, taking her underwear along the way. I crawled back up her sun kissed skin and began placing small kisses all around her perky breast and then showed the other the same attention.

I trailed my loving kisses all the way down her stomach and across her waistline. I nipped and sucked on each hip in a teasing manner in hopes that I was turning this woman on in the process. As I started to lower myself her hands cupped my cheeks forcing me to still my actions. My heart furiously hammered in my chest, thinking maybe I pushed her too far. My curious eyes drifted up to meet brown orbs staring intently at me.

"Are you sure about this?" She asked full of concern.

"I've never been more certain."

I turned my head, leaning into the inside of her palm. I placed a reassuring kiss to her warm flesh as she raked her free hand through my hair. Every move she makes is tender and gentle, with my concern as her top priority. My heart was swelling as it beats for the woman below me.

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