Chapter Four

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Regina Mills

I followed Zelena's lead into an old, run down diner that my sister dragged me to. The restaurant was abnormally small and appeared that the owner hasn't taken the time to remodel the place since the late eighties. Even though the decor wasn't at all what I anticipated, the fresh aroma of coffee and sweet pancakes, left my stomach begging for attention.

Zelena lives in this small town, which is just outside of the university I just started working at. My sister insisted that Granny's, is a diamond in the rough and we just had to eat here.

"No shit!" I snapped my head up to find the flirtatious brunette from last night approaching us rather quickly.

"Ruby!" Zelena exclaimed as she was pulled into a bear hug by the other woman.

Ruby turned her attention toward me with her arms spread wide, but I quickly interjected the hug by sticking out my hand instead. The lanky woman's face scrunched up as she gaped at my hand. She hesitantly reached forward and finally accepted the gesture while flashing my sister a quizzical look.

"Mills!" Miss Swan's cheerful voice boomed from behind her friend.

"Come sit with us, we just walked in," Ruby offered.

I quickly glanced over at my sister in sheer panic. She knows how uncomfortable I was last night, and I know damn well that she knows I rather jump out of an airplane than have to engage in small talk with these women again.

My eyes doubled in size as I tried to plead with her to decline. Zelena smirked her infamous wicked grin and happily accepted the offer, despite my protest. I bit down hard on the inside of my lip to control my mouth from spewing hateful words toward my sister, who I think deserves to be called Judas from now on.

Ruby slid into the booth across from her friend as my sister followed her lead and sat down beside her. Thus, leaving me with only one option. I cautiously sat down next to Miss Swan with a decent amount of space between us. I kept my eyes locked onto my sister the whole time, silently pleading with my mind to develop some sort of super power to light her ass on fire.

"You look nervous Regina, what's wrong?" Miss Swan asked as she turned her body, granting me her undivided attention.

I continued to stare at my sister as I answered, "I just think it's inappropriate that we are spending time together when I am your teacher's assistant."

I always strive for professionalism in any type of social engagement. I have my mother to blame for that. She knew Zelena was wild, crazy and uncontrollable. When I came along she did her very best to control my every move. She was relentless with me. She would never settle for anything less than perfection. I had to receive the highest grades, participate in every sport and after school activities. I needed structure and to remain focused, never allowing anyone to see me as weak.

That's why this situation was unbearably uncomfortable for me. In the eyes of the school, this situation would be frowned upon. That alone was enough to make me want to bolt through that door. Not to mention my lack of friends growing up. I only ever had my sister because my mother occupied every free moment I had with another activity. Now there are these two women seeking my attention and I'm not quite sure how to react.

"Stop over reacting, we are eating breakfast. It's not like I'm going to have my way with you over the desk in front of the whole class," the blonde mocked with an overly confident smirk.

Ruby and Zelena both barked out unattractive laughs at my expense causing my blood to boil. I shot Miss Swan the best stern look I could manage before I picked up a menu in an attempt to ignore the group.

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