Chapter Thirty Two

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Regina Mills

The blades of green grass are so vibrant one would assume they were painted green. The sky is a bright shade of blue with a few white fluffy clouds swimming across the endless wonder. White chairs with lavender bows are lined in perfect order with a gorgeous white arch laced with purple orchids for Belle and her husband to say their vows. The weather, the atmosphere, couldn't be more perfect in this moment yet all of that doesn't compare to the gorgeous blonde standing by my side.

Emma's long golden locks fall to the middle of her back with bouncing curls just at the ends. Our dresses are a bright orange, with thin straps at the top and flows elegantly to our mid-thigh. I have to stop for a brief moment because in this dress, with the sun shining a beautiful glow all around her, she takes my breath away.

I stand back, watching my girlfriend straighten Henry's tie once more before we begin to walk down the aisle. I am so in love with both of them that I'm rendered speechless in this moment.

"Are you staring again Miss Mills?" I love the way she says Miss Mills in her drawn out, seductive tone. One hand is holding onto her bouquet firmly but her free hand snakes its way onto my hip possessively while her smile grows wickedly.

"You are absolutely stunning," I whisper as she hovers over my lips. Her warm breath tingles as it brushes against my lips.

"You are absolutely breathtaking," she whispers back as she leans forward to steal a kiss but I'm quick to pull away.

"That can wait until after Miss Swan, I don't need you smearing my lipstick," I demand.

"Just a quick peck," she pouts as she stretches her delectable lips to connect with mine, but I deflect the kiss once more.

"It's never just a quick peck with you," I tease while she smiles in return and nods along.

"True," she giggles just as a woman approaches and orders us to line up.

Ruby leads the way down the aisle, followed by Emma and then myself. Once we are at the front, Henry and one of Robert's nieces walk down the aisle together. Henry and the little girl sit down next to my sister as we wait for Belle to walk down next.

The beautiful melody of the wedding march begins. Belle is absolutely stunning with the sun shining brightly behind her. Emma shifts ever so slightly into my personal space distracting me from the bride.

"I can't wait for that to be us."

Emma doesn't allow me any time to reply before she falls back into her place. My heart slams against my chest and I cannot control the sappy smile that plasters across my face.

By the time I turn my attention back to the bride, she has made her way to the front and the ceremony begins. All of that was quickly ruined by a strange man sneaking his way into the back row while his hands fumble with straightening his tie. My eyes widen while my whole body starts tingling with fear.

No, that can't be...can it?

I glance over at Emma, but she is smiling proudly as she focuses on Belle. My heart thumps angrily in my chest as my eyes flick back at the man. It's him. My head snaps over to Henry who is cuddling into Zelena's side.

Oh my god he looks just like him.

All this time I thought Henry looked just like Emma, but no, he looks exactly like Neal. The little hairs on the back of my neck stand to attention while a cold shiver runs down my spine. What is Neal doing here? Did he honestly come back just to see Belle get married? I glance back at Emma.

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