Chapter Nine

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Emma Swan

Regina's quite cute when she's drunk. She tries to continue with being all prim and proper but fails miserably. I still can't believe she ran over here in the middle of the night just to be by my side. Then on top of it, she showed up with my favorite ice cream and wine, it almost made me completely forgot about my breakup with Neal.

"I'm sorry why are we sitting in a bathtub again?" Regina questioned through squinted eyes triggering me to giggle like some school girl.

"The bathroom is the best place to let out a good cry. Lying on the cold tile and letting all your emotions free from their prisons. Allowing your tears to fall shamelessly, it's the most soothing."

"Right, but that doesn't explain the tub..."

"Oh, I don't know. It felt safe," I muttered and listened to the brunette break out into a fit of laughter. "Have you ever done it in a shower? I feel like you're the type who only has sex in a bed...missionary position," I confessed in hopes to coax the brunette to open up a little more.

Regina huffed her annoyance and shot me a dirty look. "Definitely not dear, I like it anywhere, anytime, any position. Graham was crazy in bed. Ugh," she groaned as her mind slowly slipped into the past. "He was so hot. Those abs went on for days!"

I couldn't help the loud laugh that escaped my mouth. I love when she divulges in her dirty little secrets and it's even better when she's intoxicated like this.

"How about you, Miss Swan?" She ripped the wine from my hand. The bottle pressed into her thick lips before her head fell back to swallow the last of the alcohol.

"I may have only slept with one guy, but we were everywhere," I giggled at the memories before a sharp pain reminded me of his departure. I'm alone now. He left me. I glanced through my eyelashes to discover Regina staring intently with a small pout. Those thick red lips always painted to perfection..."Gina...did you ever experiment in college?"

The intoxicated woman stole my pint of ice cream and scooped a greedy bite into her mouth.

"Like what?" She innocently asked, not bothering to look up from the carton.

I examined the way she slipped another scoop between those sexy lips. She spun the spoon upside down and dragged the cool metal slowly across her wet tongue.

Dear god she's sexy. Sexy? I gulped loudly as my mouth instantly dried up from my realization. I reached for the bottle of wine, to wet my whistle but then I remembered she had finished the last drop.

"Did you ever experiment with a girl?" Her squinted brown eyes were now twice the size as she froze with the spoon between her lips.

"," she mumbled around the utensil.

"Well that's what college is for right? Experiment. I feel like now's the time."

"I'm not in college anymore Swan."

"I know, and I only have one month left so I better do it now."

"Ruby's in the next room, I'm sure she'd be willing," Regina mocked but I think I saw a flash of jealousy cross her drunk eyes.

"I can't with Ruby, she's like my sister."

"There's another room with another brunette."

"Belle is too prude. I would scare her off so fast," I laughed at the thought of Belle running from me if I ever tried to kiss her.

"Then tell me who would you want to experiment with?" Those big brown eyes rolled dramatically before they locked onto mine.

I shifted, so I was resting upon my knees. I placed my palms flat against the floor of the tub and leaned forward, invading Regina's personal space. I didn't say a word as I looked deep into her eyes. I heard the soothing sounds of her breathing pick up with speed. I couldn't stop myself from shifting my eyes down to see her full chest rising and falling at a faster rate. My eyes flicked back up into her brown irises which were darker now, full of lust and desire. An audible gulp resonated between us as her throat strained to swallow. I swear everything around us stopped. Everything slipped away and all that was left was her and a bathtub.

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