Chapter Thirty Four

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Regina Mills

"Henry we are expecting company; can you turn off your game?" I ask as I make my way into the living room.

Neal should be here any minute and I'm a nervous wreck. I don't know how Henry will accept this news about his real father. I keep introducing new parents to him and turning his world upside down and he's only six. I know Emma isn't going anywhere but for some reason my mind keeps wondering if this means Henry will love me any less.

The doorbell echoes through our townhome, but Emma is the first one to answer. When Emma and Neal enter the living room, I awkwardly shake Neal's hand because I'm not really sure how else to greet the man right now.

"Henry, do you remember my friend from the wedding?" Emma questions gently while Henry nods along.

"Hey kid! Good to see you again," Neal beams as he ruffles Henry's hair playfully.

I sit down next to Henry and Emma claims the spot on the other side of him. Neal follows our lead and sits next to Emma. My heart races knowing what is to come. I already had to introduce a second parent into my son's life and now I have to do it all over again.

"Henry, we have to talk to you about something," I begin as I hold Henry's little hand in mine. He just stares into my eyes not saying a word as my thumb draws random patterns against his soft skin. "Henry remember how we told you Emma dated your dad and he had to leave the country?"

I hope I'm saying this correctly for his sake.

"Yeah I remember mom." His dark green eyes sparkle with curiosity as he never takes his eyes off me.

"Well this is Neal," I wave my hand in Neal's direction, "he is your father."

"I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner, kid. I'm really excited to hang out with you, if that's something you'd be interested in," Neal offers sounding a little intimidated compared to his usual calm and smooth self.

"Are there anymore parents I don't know about?" Henry deadpans, completely serious causing Emma and I to laugh rather hard.

"No kid, this is it. I promise. Just us three," Emma states trying to hold back her laughter.

"Okay then. I'm excited to have a dad. I always wanted one!" Henry smiles showing all his tiny teeth except for one in the front that just recently fell out.

Here I was worried about breaking the news to my son, but I never thought how he might actually want a dad. He probably sees all the other kids at school with their dads, I'm sure he has been jealous or maybe confused about everything.

"Alright well if you'd like, Neal offered to take you to the park for a little bit so you can spend some time together. Maybe get to know one another," I explain while my thumb continues slow, soothing strokes against the back of his hand.

I went from raising this little boy alone for five years to having to share him with two other people. It hurts a little bit and there's a pang of jealously lingering in my heart, but I know the more people who love Henry, the better off my son will be.

"Yeah mom! I want to go," Henry squeaks out as he jumps to his feet.

"Okay go get your shoes, then you guys can go," Emma instructs but Henry is already running away across the living room, on a mission.

"He's amazing girls, you did an awesome job. He took this really well for a little boy his age," Neal compliments sincerely.

"Better than when we told him about Emma," I smirk earning myself an elbow to the ribs.

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