Chapter Eighteen

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Emma Swan

One month seemed to disappear into an oblivion. Each day blurred into the next until it was time for Henry's one-month checkup. Regina had a class and wasn't able to make the checkup which she continuously expressed how unhappy she was about missing it.

I stepped into the nursery with Henry asleep in his car seat. As I set the car seat down, Regina tumbled in.

"Did you just get back?" She asked appearing a little flustered, which is very unlike her.

"Yeah, we just walked in." I raised one eyebrow and examined her flushed cheeks in amusement. "Are you alright?"

"Yes of course. I just felt guilty about not making the appointment, so I rushed home as soon as class was out," she explained. She instantly bent down in front of Henry's car seat to unbuckle him. "How did everything go?"

"He's perfect. Usually babies drop a little weight when they go home but he's actually maintained his weight."

"That's wonderful to hear," she happily cheered, picking Henry up and kissing his little cheek.

My heart overflowed with so many emotions. I can't believe I found this amazing woman who looks at my son with nothing but love. She has done everything for us and I know I owe her the world. Not to mention, her with my son kind of turns me on.

"Em? Did you hear me?" She asked walking away from the crib.

My eyes flicked to her now empty hands and then back toward the crib. She must have laid Henry down inside, but my mind spaced out once again leaving me clueless as to what just happened right in front of me.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Why don't you go lay down, you look exhausted."

"No, it's fine. I have to clean bottles, finish up my paper for my online class and then I have a shift tonight at Granny's. Which reminds me, are you still free to watch Henry tonight?"

"Emma, I have your work schedule on the calendar, we already discussed this. I take Henry when you're at work in the evening."

"I know I'm sorry," I mumbled waving off my mistake.

Truth is, everything is becoming a little overwhelming. I feel like I'm slowly losing my mind. I'm lucky if I don't have to check my phone more than five times in a row to see what day it is. I try really hard to stay focused on things that are happening around me, but I can't. It's like my mind slowly slips away without my permission to negative thoughts that I fight with myself not to think about.

Her warm, gentle touch lightly rests upon my shoulder causing me to jump slightly, unaware that she was still here.

"I'll do the bottles, you go take a nap," she kindly offered only forcing me to fall in love with her all over again.

I leaned forward to kiss her cheek as a thank you and left the room without another word. I could tell by her cold stare she was about to interrogate me on my odd behavior but how could I answer her when I truthfully didn't understand myself?


A soft hum rang in my dreams while featherlight fingertips stroked my tangled curls. I mimicked the sweet sound as I cuddled into the warmth that was surrounding me.

"Emma?" Her gentle soothing tone was waking me from my slumber. "Time to get up, you have work in an hour." My eyes finally fluttered open, trying to focus on the beautiful woman before me.

"Hey," I croaked out before clearing my throat.

"Hey, you," the raven-haired beauty seductively rasped, causing my heart to sputter with lust.

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