Chapter Tweleve

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Regina Mills

One week since Emma took the pregnancy test that has sent her on a downward spiral. She has completely shut down, avoiding our friends and her responsibilities. If she wasn't pregnant, I truly believe she would have avoided food at all cost. Since she graduated, she has the ability to sleep all day. I don't have any classes this summer since I was rushed into the last semester, so I've been finishing up with my doctorate. Any free time I have, the blonde is pulling me into her bed to lay next to her, just so she doesn't have to be alone.

Emma asked me if I would go with her to the first ultrasound appointment and I agreed not wanting to leave her alone at a time like this. At least now she will have a valid confirmation on her pregnancy and also figure out how far along she is.

Now we are just sitting in the waiting room for her name to be called. Her thumb nail was securely locked between her teeth as she nibbles incisively. Her knee is bouncing uncontrollably, infuriating my nerves and driving me absolutely mad. I couldn't take the obnoxious bad habits anymore, so I swatted at her hand, knocking it from her mouth.

"Stop that!" I scolded.


"Chewing on your thumbnail."

"Excuse me for being a little nervous."

"Be nervous, don't be annoying," I quipped right back.

"Emma Swan?" A young nurse called out from the doorway, instantly ceasing our bickering.

Everything around us fell silent, as the purpose of our visit was being brought to our attention once again. I reached over to squeeze some reassurance back into Emma's hand as we stood. I followed the two women into a small dark room. A giant television screen was on display in front of the medical bed. Then I spotted the ultrasound machine right next to the bed prompting my stomach to start doing cartwheels as reality kicked in.

"Miss Swan, have you ever had an ultrasound before?" The nurse asked gently as she sat down in front of the machine. Emma only shook her head in response. I sat down in a chair next to the bed, which I can only assume is usually for father's. "Okay well I'm going to walk you through everything so there's no surprises," the woman offered and again Emma only nodded. "Since this is the first ultrasound and the baby is so small we usually have to internally look. I'm going to gently slip this inside and we can get a better look at your baby. The next ultrasound appointment will be external, on top of your stomach, which I'm sure you're more familiar with. I'm going to need you to remove your pants," she handed Emma a paper looking sheet and continued, "place this over your lap and I'll be back in one minute. Would you like your friend to step out with me?"

"Um no it's fine. She can stay," Emma mumbled quietly, confirming how terrified she truly is.

The nurse nodded and stepped out of the dark room without another word spoken. Emma remained silent. Her nimble fingers trembled as she popped the button on her jeans. Slowly, her hips swayed back and forth in an attempt to help peel the skin-tight denim from her body.

She won't be wearing those for much longer.

Emma sat back down on the bed, covering herself up with the paper sheet she was offered by the nurse. I rolled my eyes when I realized my view was of her full bottom. I cocked my head to one side as my mind began to register that she has one nice looking as-

"All ready?" The nurse knocked tearing me away from my wandering thoughts.

"Yes," Emma confirmed as she shifted awkwardly on top of the bed.

"Go ahead and lay back."

The nurse sat down, pulling out a long white probe while I examined her every move curiously. To my surprise and clearly Emma's too by her facial expression, the nurse wrapped the probe in a condom before entering Emma beneath the paper sheet. My friend clenched her fist into a tight ball, inspiring my hand to reach out for her to hold, without hesitation she gripped my hand. Her palms were sweaty and clammy exposing how nervous she truly was.

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