Chapter Fourteen

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Regina Mills

"Miss Mills?" I heard her innocent, familiar voice as I was packing up my paperwork. I chuckled softly to myself and shook my head from her playful antics. School starts next week and there were a few things I needed in order before my fall semester starts. "I was wondering if you had any time to tutor me?" I didn't bother looking up, just to tease her a little, like I know she is doing with me. I smiled and proceeded with my actions.

"Tutor you with what, dear?"

"How to properly eat out your best friend?" My head snapped up to discover Emma with that stupid shit eating grin plastered across her face.

"Miss Swan!" I snapped knowing all too well what that name does to her. Just like clockwork, she physically shuddered before me.

"Did I do something wrong? Have I been bad? Are you going to spank me with a ruler?" She attempted her most cute and innocent voice but her giant grin wasn't helping.

"You're impossible," I rolled my eyes while she laughed.

Emma slid onto the edge of my desk and swung her legs like a child. Now that she was officially five months pregnant, her baby bump was visible. Yet, that didn't slow down her sex drive the least bit.

"Have you ever thought about taking me over your desk," she tapped the wooden desk below her, "right here?" I glanced up to meet her green eyes sparkling with anticipation and shook my head once again.

"We don't have time, your appointment is in a half hour," I sternly reminded her. I turned around on my heel, but she was quick to grasp my wrist and pulled me between her legs.

"We can have a quickie," she offered as her mouth went straight for my neck, alternating between kissing and sucking.

Why am I always like putty when it comes to this woman?

"No Swan! We have to meet Ruby and Belle there." I stepped back from her hold before things escalated, like they always seem to do.

"Fine! You owe me when we get home!" She quipped while sliding effortlessly off my desk. "And we will have sex on this desk one day," she demanded before strolling confidently toward the door.

What am I going to do with her?


I kept a close eye on Emma as we were patiently waiting for the nurse to call her name once more. This has become routine now. We are here at her doctor's office, once a month for her check up to make sure everything is going well with her and the baby.

Today is a big day though, Emma finds out the sex of the baby. She still hasn't been one hundred percent sure on her decision regarding the unborn. Every day I watch her stomach grow and every day I fall more in love with this tiny baby I haven't even met yet. If it's anything like it's mother, I will be madly in love.

"Emma Swan?" All four of us women stood in unison and walked united to the door.

"It's okay if they all come in to find out the gender, right?" Emma shyly asked, while she peered at the nurse for her approval.

"Of course, but once I reveal the gender only one can stay in there. This is a longer ultrasound, I need to measure all the baby's body parts."

"Okay that's fine, thank you."

We all followed behind Emma into the tiny dark room. I claimed my seat in my usually chair as Emma climbed on to the bed. Ruby and Belle stood next to my chair as we waited for the process to begin.

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