Chapter Five

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Emma Swan

"I am stuffed!" I exhaled as I dropped my fork onto my plate causing a loud ruckus.

"You did just eat for a family of four," Regina quipped as she sipped her coffee like she was having tea with the Queen of England.

"I don't know how you're going to survive on just a bagel," I laughed as I reached for my wallet. Regina's cup clinked against its saucer, grabbing my attention. I peered up to find Regina fumbling for her purse.

"How much do I owe Miss Swan?"

"I got this one Regina," I stressed her name hoping she will finally use mine and stop with all the formalities.

"It's Miss-"

"Stop right there," I held up my hand and watched as she snapped her mouth shut, "we are outside of the classroom. We are Regina and Emma. In class, I will call you Miss Mills but outside of class we will use our names," I stated firmly.

"What if Glass doesn't return and I have to fill in for the rest of the semester?"

"Then when we are in class I will treat you with nothing but respect as my professor. I will not expect any special treatment and you will continue with your favorite Miss Swan. But outside of the class we will remain friends." Regina's poise and professional attitude quickly vanished. Something I said must have affected her because I watched as her big brown eyes glossed over. "Are you alright Regina?" She smiled kindly and nodded but the audible gulp attempting to force back any kind of emotion, did not go unnoticed. "Alright..." I didn't want to push the subject and make things more uncomfortable for us, so I stood up and dropped some cash onto the table.

There's something about Regina Mills that I find intriguing. She is definitely stuck up, but something tells me, she doesn't want to be. At first it seemed like it was her upbringing but then as I became well acquainted with her sister and I found that not to be true. The more I'm around Regina, the more I want to get to know her. I recently decided my new favorite hobby is to force this woman to open up to me. I think because she's so closed off and reserved it makes me desperate to pry into her life and beg for more details. I actually enjoy teasing her, making her feel uncomfortable and pulling her from her comfort zone.

Ever since I met Ruby and Neal, I have found that I am living more freely. They both broke down the walls that I built around my heart from being in the foster system. I'm more relaxed and I certainly don't mind saying whatever is on my mind. For some strange reason I find myself having an urge to make Regina act the same way. I want to know all her dirty secrets. I want to turn her into a bad girl and I don't know why. I don't know what's possessing me to feel this way, but I am determined to push all of her buttons.

"Well thank you for breakfast Miss-, uh, Emma," Regina politely stated as she bowed her head ever so slightly.

"No problem. Come on let's walk around town."

"I really should be getting back."

"Do you have somewhere important you need to be?" I could practically see her mind fumbling for some kind of excuse.

"No, I don't believe I do. I just..." she trailed off and I could visibly see how nervous she was, but I wasn't sure why. Does she actually not care for me as much as I thought?

"You just..." I mocked waving my hands around waiting for her excuse.

"Why do you want to spend more time with me?" She blurted out in a rush, taking me by surprise. No one has ever questioned why we were hanging out or why I was friends with them before.

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