Chapter Twenty Nine

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Regina Mills

The hustle and bustle of the students gathering their belongings falls dead to my ears once I reach inside my bag to find her name waiting for me across my phone. A stupid, sappy grin blooms across my face, informing me that I might be in deeper with this blonde than I had suspected. Well, that was until I opened my message and read that Robin confronted her about us.

I hoist my heavy bag over my shoulder and lock the classroom door before I leave. My heart thumps wildly in my chest matching the clicking of my heels in a scrambled tempo as I rush to my car. I scroll through my contacts and with a shaky thumb and press Emma's name. Too many thoughts run rampant through my mind of how the conversation between my boyfriend and my former lover could have gone.

"Hello Miss Mills, how was class?" Her flirtatious, playful banter booms happily through the line. I roll my eyes at just how adorable she truly is.

"Fine thank you." I don't waste another minute as I dive right into the purpose of this call. "So, what happened with Robin?" I ask nervously while I unlock my car and slip inside.

"Uh, he asked if I'm in love with you and when I hesitated to answer, he said that meant I do. So, I admitted it." She pauses for a moment but then her words come pouring out to reassure my anxious mind. "I didn't tell him anything else. I promise. He has no idea about this morning...or the other night," she explains to help calm my nerves.

An adorable giggle escapes her mouth pulling at my heart strings and morphing my unconscious frown into a shy smirk.

"Well thank you for not saying anything. I'm on my way to speak with him now," I state just as I pull out of my parking spot and head straight for my destination.

"Can I come by later tonight, when I get off work? There's some things I think we need to discuss."

"Of course, just let me know when you are on your way."

"Perfect. I will see you later."

"Goodbye Miss Swan," I tease before I end the call.

I toss my phone into the cup holder and blow out an uneasy breath, attempting to calm myself down. Robin has always been a reasonable man but then again, we never really had a disagreement about anything. I am fully aware that he's going to want an explanation about my past with my son's birth mother and I will answer all his questions, I'm just dreading this topic.

My tires roll slowly into my boyfriend's driveway. I throw my car into park and kill the engine. I release another breath as I peer up at the two-story home. Now that I'm here, I'm more conscious at just how incredibly difficult this will be.

We have shared our lives together for one year. Our boys have become the best of friends and now I'm responsible for ripping that away from them. I cannot resume this relationship if my heart is just not in it. It's not fair to Robin or I if we stay in a relationship for our children's sake. My heart is set on Emma Swan and it's about time I stop playing games and be with the love of my life.

My finger pokes the doorbell, creating a soft melody while I wait for Robin to answer. I fiddle nervously with my fingers and knuckles, twisting and yanking against the flesh until the front door swings open. The instant my boyfriend discovers it's me waiting on his doorstep, his face falls with disappointment.

"So, I take it Emma talked to you?" He questions with a hint of sarcasm.

"Yes, may I come in? There are some things we need to discuss this."

He nods in despair but opens up the door further, granting me permission to enter his home. I stand nervously in his foyer not knowing where I should start.

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