Chapter Nineteen

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Regina Mills

One horrific week since Emma and I slept together, and I can't help but feel she's avoiding me. No, I know this woman inside and out and she is definitely avoiding me. Either she regrets saying I love you or maybe she was half asleep when she said it and is now feeling embarrassed. Either way her avoidance is a gut-wrenching pain, because I have never loved anyone more than I love Emma Swan.

I was just arriving home from work and the minute I opened the door, I was greeted by Henry's ear-piercing screams from the nursery. I kicked off my heels and slammed the door shut before I took the stairs two at a time.

My heart was racing as I fought against my lungs to calm my breathing. I burst into the little boy's bedroom in a panic, to discover Emma bouncing him up and down, with thick tears streaming down her face, matching her son's.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked gently as I entered the room.

"Take him! I can't. Just take him!" Her voice was shaky and desperate as she held the infant out from her chest. I instantly held out my arms as she quickly placed Henry into my embrace.

"Ssshhh, little prince. What's wrong?" I cooed in a calming voice.

I swayed around the room whispering to the distressed baby. His tiny face was pinched together in a deep shade of red, almost to the tint of purple. He wailed uncontrollably as tears streamed down his face. I rocked the baby gently as I hummed and whispered sweet nothings into his ear.

After twenty minutes of his frantic state, he calmed down. His tiny eyelids drooped closed and soon he was fast asleep, most likely from exhaustion. I laid him gently into his swing and turned it on, to continue the slow rocking feeling in order to keep him calm.

I stepped out into the hall to find Emma crouched down against the wall with her arms hugging her legs close to her chest. Her head was buried but I could still hear her muffled cries.

"Emma? What's wrong?"

I knelt down beside the woman and stroked her back in a loving manner. I hated seeing her so upset like this. I haven't seen her this distraught since she found out she was pregnant.

"I can't. I just can't. He's my son Regina and I can't even comfort my own son!"

"It's okay, the doctor said he's just colicky. They cry constantly, but it will be over in the next two to five months. It'll go by quick, I promise," I reassured the blonde with a kiss to her temple to seal my vow.

Emma brushed me away and stood abruptly, leaving me dumbfounded on the floor. I sat back on my heels and peered up into her tear-soaked eyes.

"No, you don't get it Regina!" She snapped before storming off into our bedroom.

I jumped to my feet, chasing after her and shutting the door behind me, not wanting to wake Henry. "Get what Emma?"

"I can't do this. I can't be a mother! I told you that when I first found out I was pregnant."

"You're a great mother! Henry adores you. Sometimes babies can sense when someone is nervous or overly tired and it just agitates them more. You can't help it, and neither can he," I spoke softly hoping that maybe I could calm her down.

"No! I'm not fit to be a mother. Stop it! I made up my mind!" She bellowed prompting my feet to take a few steps closer toward the hysterical blonde.

"Emma? Made up your mind about what?" I cautiously questioned because I knew in the pit of my stomach that I wasn't going to like this answer.

"I'm doing what I planned to do in the beginning, I'm giving him up for adoption. This is what I wanted to do from the start."

"No don't say that," I quickly answered feeling utterly confused as to what was happening in front of me. There's no way she could actually mean any of this.

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