Chapter Twenty Five

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Emma Swan

The warm evening air wraps around my limbs like a cozy security blanket. I sigh feeling content and stare up into the evening sky. The sun was slowly descending turning everything in its path into a warm pink and orange hue. I fight against my instincts, trying to still my bouncing legs but I am too anxious.

After we spent the evening together at the carnival, I asked Regina again at the end of the night if I could take Henry out for ice cream. I swore I would never reveal my true identity and I was more than thrilled to just have him apart of my life, just the same as Ruby and Belle. I even offered for her to come along that way she was there and could keep an eye out for her son. The way her face paled and fear flashed across her eyes, I had an inkling that maybe she didn't want to be alone with me just yet. Either way, she agreed to the outing.

I check my phone for the time yet again and note it is five to seven. We agreed to seven but if I know Regina, she we will be here any second. I find it endearing that she had suggested the home town ice cream parlor that her and I always went to, from the first time we met and all throughout my pregnancy.

The sound of rolling tires against the street catches my attention. My head snaps up to find her familiar black sedan pulling up next to the sidewalk. Without another thought I jump to my feet and skip to the edge of the sidewalk, not being able to contain my excitement.

Regina steps out of her car and walks behind the vehicle to the door behind the passenger's side. She opens the door and holds out her hand for support, so Henry can jump out of his booster seat.

"Hey kid!"

My heart flutters so fast I thought the damn thing might actually leap from my chest. A tingling warm sensation courses through my veins when I see Henry's wide goofy smile slip across his face. The little boy charges into my legs and wraps his tiny arms around my waist.

"Hi Emma! Thanks for finally taking me for ice cream!"

I rub his back gently as I return the hug through misty eyes.

"You're welcome. You should really thank your mom for letting you come!"

Henry pulls away as Regina bends down so they can be eye level. My former friend anxiously sweeps his hair to one side and fakes a smile. I can tell this whole situation is making her a little skittish, I just wish I could comfort her like I used to.

"Thanks mom!"

"You're welcome sweetie. Now you be good for Emma. Remember your manners. I'll be back in one hour to pick you up."

"Okay mommy," he nods as she pulls him into a hug.

Regina holds his head in both her hands and gazes deep into his eyes before she places a small kiss to his forehead.

"I love you my little prince," she whispers while her lips linger just a little bit longer.

"I love you too mommy!" He beams as she stands back up.

"I will be back at eight. Please call me if you need anything," she pleads as I smile in return. I can't help but love the way she's so protective over him.

"I promise he will be just fine. It's only an hour and if he wants to come home early, I will call you," I assure her.

A curt nod and she is rushing back into her car. Henry and I wave goodbye as she drives away. I hover my hand near Henry's until he happily accepts the gesture. We turn to one another with bright smiles as I lead him into the ice cream parlor.

"Hello ma'am, what can I get for you two today?"

I take a long gander at the young man, instantly remembering his familiar face. My jaw almost hits the floor as I gape at the man in shock. The same frazzled man from all those years ago. The young boy I thoroughly embarrassed for scolding because he called me ma'am.

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