Chapter Seventeen

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Regina Mills

"I've never hated Neal more than in this moment!" Emma screamed as she clenched mine and Ruby's hand.

Ruby and I made eye contact and tried to control our unwanted laughter. I was on one side of Emma, holding her leg up to her chest, while she clenched my fingers so tight I was worried they might break. Ruby was on the other side mirroring my image.

Emma had been pushing for the last forty-five minutes and I knew she was reaching her breaking point. It's now two in the morning and she hasn't slept one wink. Especially after the long day we had setting up Henry's nursery, I know she's hardly keeping her eyes open at this point.

"Okay, come on Emma, I really need you to push with everything you have. He's almost there," the incompetent doctor stated.

I really do believe this man is an imbecile. He didn't bother taking the time to read over Emma's chart before he burst through the doors. Highly unprofessional in my opinion.

"I can't," Emma's head aggressively fell back into her pillow, expressing her defeat.

Her golden locks were matted to her head, drenched in sweat. Her usual pale cheeks were the darkest shade of red I have ever seen grace her face. Tears were clinging to her eyes, but she refused to let one single droplet fall.

"Em, you can do this. You are the strongest woman I know. Think of it this way, the faster you get this little guy out, the faster you can go to sleep," I persuaded with a smirk, hoping to raise her spirits just the tiniest bit to push her through this.

Emma offered me a crooked half smile in return and simply nodded. She took a deep breath before leaning forward once again with determination etched into her face.

"On the count of three you're going to push and keep going until he is out. Take a deep breath," Emma took one long deep breath, "One, two...three, push!" The doctor instructed and focused all his attention between her trembling legs.

A deep guttural scream boomed through the room as Emma pushed with every ounce of energy she had left in her. I was completely wrong, this is the darkest shade of red I have ever seen before.

"I see his head, keep going Emma."

Another scream ripped from Emma's lungs encouraging her grip to tighten around my hand. Her leg that was wrapped in my arm was shaking violently causing my heart to break. I wish I could help her in some way. I wish there was a way to alleviate some of her suffering.

"Here he comes," Whale informed us as Emma screamed out one last time.

The new mother fell back as she panted and gasped for air. Then the hustle and bustle of the room fell silent, all that was heard was the heartwarming sound of an infant's cry. Whale held up the tiny, blood covered infant in the most awkward way.

I thought you were supposed to be gentle with babies? Idiot!

"Here's your son," he stated before handing the baby quickly to the blonde nurse.

The nurse wrapped Henry in a blue and white striped blanket. She placed the newborn upon Emma's chest and whispered, "Congratulations."

Emma's tears were finally streaming down her beet red cheeks as she rubbed her son's back gently. I think the moment and flood of emotions were far too much for Ruby or I to speak. We just watched the precious moment unfold before us. Emma pulled Henry closer as she kissed his tiny little head.

"Hi Henry, I love you so much," she declared kissing the tiny nose that resembled hers.

That's when I allowed my emotions to consume me. Tears trickled freely down my face as I leaned in to caress his tiny cheek.

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