Chapter Twenty Two

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Emma Swan

I began turning around when I heard her ask, "Isn't that..."

I cut her off immediately, "Yes, it is."

"And that's..."

"Yes," I exhaled knowing all too well who they are. I'm not an idiot, I knew they would be here. They are always here every Friday night. Ruby is the one that's in the dark about it all.

I glare at my friend from across the booth as I'm finding it rather difficult to breathe. It's like all the oxygen has been sucked from this room and I'm fighting for my life here. I don't understand why Ruby is acting stupid, I know damn well when I left that her and Belle stayed in contact with Regina and Henry. They wouldn't tell me a thing about Henry. They always told me to ask Regina, which I never had the courage to do. So, when they wouldn't give me answers I decided to drive back every so often and see if I could spot Regina and Henry around town.

I know Regina takes Henry to Granny's every Friday to visit the older woman. I know every year for his birthday they go out alone at night to get Rocky Road. My favorite ice cream which clearly my son inherited from me.

I have been back in town for two months now but haven't reached out to Regina. I'm terrified what she will say or do. I deserve a death sentence, I'm fully aware of this but I still need to speak with her. I need to apologize, and I need her to understand why I've stayed away for so long.

"Why are you playing dumb? I know you know who they are," I declare while turning around to face my friend.

"This is an awkward situation to say the least."

"I know you and Belle stayed in touch with them."

"Well obviously, did you think I was just going to ab-" Ruby abruptly cuts herself off and falls completely silent.

"Go ahead! Say it. Abandon him, like I did."

"I'm not getting into this again. It was five years ago." Ruby huffs out her annoyance and scans over the menu as a simple distraction. It's her grandmother's restaurant for crying out loud, that menu has been embedded into her head since she was five years old. "Have you talked to her since you moved back?" I flash her my best unamused look because I know she knows the answer already.

"If I had, you would have known about it," I deadpan.

"The longer you wait, the harder it's going to be. Not to mention the angrier she will become for you not saying you're back." I groan while deflating back into me seat. I keep my eyes focused on the menu in front of me, not finding the guts to look my friend in the eyes. Ruby finally rips the menu out from under my face. "Go, now!" She snaps while pointing over my shoulder.

I breathe out a shaky breath and stumble out of the booth. My hands were already slick with anxious sweat. My mouth filling with salvia, signaling that I might throw up all over this diner. My legs turn into Jell-O, portraying me to be some baby deer learning to walk for the first time.

Regina has her back toward me while she is bending down, tying Henry's shoe. I swallow hard before I attempt speaking. I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. My heart thumps angrily in my chest, but I clench my fists together and try again. I open my mouth once more...nothing. Henry slowly lifts his head from watching his mother and our eyes lock. My heart sinks.

God he's beautiful.

His brown hair is neatly cut but is gently tossed around. His green eyes match mine with little golden specks. I want to kiss his nose that is filled with tiny freckles. His smile, his smile instantly steals all the air from my lungs. I feel tears rapidly building but I fight them back yet again. We both cautiously inspect each other and then his smile grows wider.

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