Chapter Thirty Five

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Emma Swan

"Are you almost ready beautiful?" Neal asked with his hand held out for me to take.

I lifted the bottom of my white dress and turned around to face my son's father. My heart pounded furiously but my head was already nodding. I watched with a giddy grin as his smile spread from ear to ear.

"You look absolutely stunning Em!"

My face felt like I slept with a hanger in my mouth because I couldn't suppress the permanent smile plastered across my face.

"Thank you," I shyly whispered as I peered down at my dress once more.

"Are you nervous?"

"Nope!" I laughed and walked toward my dear friend. "I am so excited. Neal," I sighed and allowed the words to run freely from my lips. "...she is my everything. I love that woman more than I ever thought possible. I'm so honored that she agreed to be mine. I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together. I want to have more babies with her..." Neal started giggling like a little girl, "...and raise them to be little sassy geniuses just like Regina. I want to retire somewhere quiet, so our grandkids can run around and make a ton of noise! And I want to die, lying warm in her arms. There's no better feeling than being in Regina's arms. I feel like the world can't get to me when I'm safely wrapped up in her embrace. I love Regina Mills with everything I have."

Neal's cheeks blushed a deep crimson while I shift nervously between his feet. "Well then...let's do this!" He smiled brightly and offered his arm once again. I locked my arm around his as we both smiled lovingly at one another before he escorted me to the beach.

I stepped out into the warm evening sun. The sandy beach felt warm as it slipped between my toes. The sky was painted a beautiful combination of orange and pink that reflected off of the ocean water.

Henry was dressed in a white button-down shirt, that was rolled up to his elbows from the heat. He looked absolutely adorable with his khaki shorts and peach bow tie to complete his fashionable appearance. Not one of us wore shoes since we would be tracking through the thick sand.

I watched as my son walked to the edge of the shore line, the water just barely reaching his tiny toes. He securely held our rings in a small, red box with both of his hands. He smiled up at Belle's husband who was ordained to perform this ceremony.

Ruby and Belle walked down with their arms linked together in their matching peach bridesmaid dresses. They were simple yet elegant enough, but I truly admired the way the fabric flowed beautifully in the wind.

My heart stopped when I saw Zelena walking Regina down the aisle. Her white, lacy dress popped against her tan skin. The bottom was flowing with each step she took toward the shore. I swear she looked like an angel gliding through the air.

I quickly pulled Neal and rushed us toward my fiancé. I couldn't wait another minute. I needed to make her mine for once and for all. I'm not sure what Robert was reciting because all my attention was focused on Regina but then my future wife began to speak.

"I vow that I will never leave your side. I will be next to you with whatever life throws our way. I will love, honor and adore you in sickness and in health until death parts us," Regina vowed as her eyes twinkled in the evening sun and swelled up with tears.

"I vow to drive you crazy. To push your buttons and infuriate you," with that everyone started to laugh, "I will be an idiot, but only for you. I will never leave your side again. I will be there, every step of the way. I will love, honor and cherish you, in sickness and in health until death parts us," I declared with love inspiring tears to trickle down both our cheeks.

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