Chapter One

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The Burrow was always considered beautiful to Milo, in the ways of simplicity. In the boy's mind, less was always more and he quite enjoyed the warm and inviting atmosphere of the Weasley home. The family was just as inviting as the place they lived in, always making one feel welcomed, even if they were a complete stranger. Milo looked forward to spending a couple of days in the company of the twins and their family, always enjoying himself when around them. He definitely needed something to lift his mood after coming back from his fitting for his frames.

Sporting new square frames similar to his mother's, the boy had to admit, he wasn't used to the new sensation of having something rest on the bridge of his nose. He didn't think he needed them until he had them on and realized that things were much clearer in his environment. Now he understood that while he wasn't fond of them, the glasses were a great help.  Rosmerta had filled his head with another thought as she saw him after his fitting claiming she swore James Potter had been before her.

Mixed feelings arose from her comment, Milo being proud that people were actually seeing him a Potter but also pain at the mentioning of his late father. He had heard others often compare Harry to their parents, but to hear people make the comparison, he wasn't sure how to feel. It was all bittersweet for him. He loved his adoptive mother more than anything, but there was part of him that craved to know his parents more than the vague memories he had of them. 

But those thoughts left his mind as he arrived at the Burrow at his mother's side. The sensation of Side-Along Apparition always left him slightly dizzy, leaving his mother to hold onto him tightly as he swayed. Once he regained his balance, he turned to Minerva with a smile as she attempted to fix his hair. Minerva swore similar to James, that there was some sort of curse placed on the Potter boys that kept their hair wild. It was only ironic that their grandfather, Fleamont, had been the creator of Sleekeazy's.

"Now, I don't need to remind you that you should be on your best behavior while you are a guest at the Weasley home," Minerva said to him. She knew all too well that the Weasley twins had the plans of corrupting Milo to become part of their mischief. While mischief wasn't considered genetic, Minerva wouldn't put it past Milo just yet. He was a well-behaved boy the majority of the time, but she had witnessed a wild streak here and there. 

"Of course!"

She wished his smile and words were reassuring but how many times had she seen the same face paired with the same promise? Too many times. 

Their arrival did not go unnoticed as the Weasley twins were the first to run out of the home to greet Milo. Molly appeared right after them to speak with Minerva as the boys raced off into the Burrow. Minerva went to call after Milo, at least to get the boy to say goodbye and promise that he would behave but it was too late as the two women could hear the sound of distant giggling. The woman sighed with a shake of her head before looking at Molly.

"If he is any trouble-"

"It is nothing I can't handle," Molly told her with a light chuckle. "Milo has never been trouble, I am more than certain he will be fine. He always uses his manners, I quite like him staying with us. Sets the standards for the boys."

With a proud nod, Minerva reiterated that if she was needed to get into contact with her right away and she would be there in no time. Molly reassured her once more that Milo would be just fine, but it seemed that the woman was just waiting for Milo to come back and say goodbye. However, Milo already seemed preoccupied with whatever the boys were up to. In a matter of seconds, she was gone with the sound of a small crack echoing in the clearing.

"Mum, I-" Milo reappeared at the door, glancing around, only to see Molly making her way back to the home. "I was just coming to say goodbye."

"Milo! Come on!" The impatient call of the twins beckoned him back inside as he turned on his heel and left back towards the stairs. 

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