Chapter Thirty-Nine

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With their backs turned to Lockhart, the boys were quiet for a moment as Milo shook his hand out from punching Lockhart square in the jaw. Ron and Harry seemed more than delighted as Milo had not only punched the man for himself but for the entire school that had been longing for the moment to do the same. Harry was in shock that his brother would do such a thing since Milo was the level-headed one of the two, but he didn't understand half the stress that Lockhart had put Milo through throughout the year. From calling Milo out on his jealousy to misrepresenting magical creatures, Milo had enough of the foolish professor's antics and the only way he could voice the level of frustration he felt was through his fist colliding with Lockhart's face. 

"That was amazing," Ron said in awe, " you punched a professor in the face. Wait until Fred and George hear about that one."

"Well, I'm more concerned over the idea of my mother hearing about that one," Milo admitted, " after all, she says we should never solve our problems with fists."

"I think she'll overlook that rule just this once," Harry grinned. 

It was then that Milo noted that it was too silent, especially since he hadn't punched Lockhart unconscious. He turned around to see what the professor was up to, only to find a wand pointed directly between his eyes. Lockhart was back up on his feet, looking flustered and annoyed, his jaw swollen with red discolouration from Milo's hit. 

"Awfully sorry, boys," Lockhart began, pushing his blonde hair back, he didn't sound the least bit sorry, especially as he glared at Milo, " but I'll have to put a Memory Charm on you now. Can't have you blabbing my secrets all over the place. I'd never sell another book—"

Milo was stuck as Lockhart had him the centre of his aim, but he honestly didn't have to do anything as Harry was fully prepared to defend his brother. "Expelliarmus!"

Lockhart went flying back, crashing into the trunk and remaining furniture in the room. His wand went flying up into the air, where Ron was able to catch it before throwing it out the window. The look of defeat with a hint of fear appeared on Lockhart's face as he realised that he was easily outnumbered, not to mention wandless leaving him defenceless. The boys didn't look like they would have any mercy on the man either especially as Milo drew his own wand and ordered him to stand up.

"What d'you want me to do?" Lockhart whined as he looked at all three of them. He was going for the pity card but none of them had any ounce of pity left for the man. Milo didn't have any, to begin with, especially after confirming that he had been right all along about Lockhart being a fraud. "I don't know where the Chamber of Secrets is. There's nothing I can do."

"You're in luck," Harry said with a smile as he glanced over at Milo briefly. "We think we know where it is. And what's inside it. Let's go."

Lockhart wasn't given any chance of protesting as he had three wands pointed at him, pushing him out of the room towards the girl's lavatory. Before they reached the entrance, Harry turned to Milo, keeping his wand pointed at a shaking Lockhart's back.

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