Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"Harry, listen to me," Milo said after the professors dispersed from the staff room, long after Lockhart had left after the wary confirmation that he would take care of everything. Milo knew there wasn't a chance in hell that it was going to happen, after all, Lockhart wasn't dependable at all. Ginny was as good as gone with him placed in charge of the matter, but Milo had a suspicion that the other Professors needed the man distracted while they came up with their own plans. At least, that was the boy's hope, he really didn't want to think of the idea of them giving up so easily. 

Harry turned to his brother, Ron remaining silent as he sat on the floor of the wardrobe with a blank expression.

"Let the adults handle this one," Milo told his brother. "Please, they have to be doing something about it and there's no sense in putting multiple students in danger. I'm sure my mother is doing something to get Ginny back, please don't interfere. Just go back to the Common Room."

He glanced down at Ron before turning back to his brother. "Help Ron back to the Common Room and stay there...please."

The desperate tone to the word "please" seemed to drive home to Harry that Milo was expecting him not to listen and challenge everything he was saying. But with Ron completely speechless, Harry couldn't imagine what the rest of the Weasley family was like. Ron needed to be around his brother and for that reason, Harry was willing to oblige as he nodded his head. The two Potters helped Ron up to his feet and with the room cleared, they were able to walk out with no problem. 

Harry and Ron had to go their separate ways early on to return to the Gryffindor Tower, Milo warning them to be careful, while he had to return to the Hufflepuff dorms. He made sure to keep the map open but most of the corridors remained extremely empty. The dorms were crowded with names on the map, causing Milo to shake his head. He was sure that Paden was not having a good time with all the extra noise, but he wasn't sure how to comfort the bowtruckle since Paden had taken Cedric's side in the matter, going on multiple days of ignoring Milo. 

Milo never anticipated getting the silent treatment from both Cedric and Paden. Then to avoid further questioning from Max and Heidi, he basically had to ignore them or at least, make sure not to be caught alone. It didn't matter though, there were bigger and much more horrible things going on then spats between friendships. In that moment, Ginny Weasley was in great danger, her life on the line as the monster had taken her to the Chambers. Milo swore that he must have missed something on the map. There were so many secret passageways and such that perhaps he was just glancing over it without trying.

Milo decided that he was going to look over it once more in the privacy of the dorm room. He knocked his knuckles against the barrel, glancing around as he waited to enter. Bitsy was nowhere in sight and he assumed that even the house-elves had been ordered to hide. As he entered the barrel tunnel, Milo made his way towards the common room, where he heard countless voices talking to one another. Most of them talking over each other as they were all trying to figure out what happened. Obviously, the professors had not alerted the entire school about it being Ginny Weasley, Milo assumed only her family would be notified and they were all in Gryffindor. 

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