Chapter Twenty

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With Colin Creevey flashing photos mixed with Lockhart's incompetent nature to do anything right, the Gryffindor vs. Slytherin match had ended on a sour note. Not only did Harry break his elbow and part of his arm, Lockhart had thought the best solution would be to remove all the bones from Harry's arm leaving it to be a floppy mess. It moved like a rubber glove as Harry was back on his feet, making everyone around him, including Milo, cringe at the sight.

"Harry, let's get you to Madam Pomfrey," Milo suggested, as he removed his Hufflepuff scarf and created a makeshift sling for Harry's arm to keep it from flopping about, " at least she actually knows what she's doing, unlike someone. I think all that hair gel seeped into his brain at one point and now there's nothing up there that would be of any use."

Hermione and Ron went to the Gryffindor Tower so Ron could collect some pyjamas for Harry because it definitely going to be an overnight venture for Harry in the Hospital Wing. Milo guided his brother up the stairs and to the Healer, who looked at the boy's arm with disdain and confusion. When Milo explained that Lockhart had been the one to attempt to "heal" Harry's arm, he could see that she definitely felt the same way about the man like he did.

"You should have come straight to me!" She exclaimed, holding up Harry's floppy arm and moving it about before letting it drop down to the boy's side. "I can mend bones in a second—but growing them back—"

"You will be able to, won't you?" Harry looked extremely anxious as he looked to Madam Pomfrey before looking to Milo for some sort of reassurance. Obviously, the annoyed nature with his older brother had vanished as he was left frightened by the possibility of not having use of one of his arms. Milo gave him a reassuring nod before Madam Pomfrey spoke again in a shrill voice.

"I'll be able to, certainly, but it will be painful.You'll have to stay the night..."

"It'll be alright, Harry," Milo told him before Ron returned with the boy's pyjamas, "just do what Madam Pomfrey asks of you and you'll be just fine."

Milo stood up from the bed and went to leave causing Harry to call after him. " You're leaving already?" 

"You need rest, Harry," Milo said, " you won't get that if I hang around here. Sleep and I'll come visit you in the morning to see how you did during the night. Behave, Madam Pomfrey doesn't take kindly to nonsense. Good night."

As he made his way down the stairs of the Hospital Wing, he ran into Hermione and Ron making their way up to the stairs and stopped the two of them. He didn't want to come across as an annoying older student but he was concerned about what the three were dabbling in. 

"Harry's about to take the Skele-Gro, but I want to talk to you two about what Harry told me about you three working on the Polyjuice Potion."

"See, I told you he would tell him," Ron muttered to Hermione.

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