Chapter Forty-Five

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Cedric remained by Milo's side in the Hospital Wing for as Milo had to stay, even though he had been reassured multiple times by both Milo and Madam Pomfrey that he was going to be just fine. He stayed by Milo's bedside helping him in any way that he could as he promised himself that he was going to try harder for Milo. Truth was, Milo was fine, perhaps a bit sore even with the tears of the Phoenix, the only reason why he was kept behind was his mother's own worries. She wanted to make sure that he was going to stay alright and she wasn't about to take any chances. So while the castle was up in celebration, a Feast lasting into the late hours and the exams being cancelled, Cedric didn't take part in any of it, to make sure that he was there for Milo. 

Whenever he did have to leave, whether it was to make sure that Paden was fed or if he needed a shower for himself, Milo would fall asleep and when Cedric returned, he would stay as quiet as possible to allow Milo to get his rest. As he returned that afternoon with Paden in his company, Cedric greeted Madam Pomfrey. The woman informed him by the next morning that she would be able to convince McGonagall that it was time for Milo to leave the Hospital Wing so he could enjoy the remaining days of the term before it let out for summer.

That placed Cedric in a great mood as he had already asked his parents if it was alright if Milo spent some time during the summer at the Diggory household as Milo had done the year prior. They had readily agreed, always enjoying Milo's company, the boy just needed to make sure that it was okay with his mother. Of course, Cedric had to see if Milo wanted to come over anyway, after all, he wasn't aware if Milo had made plans to spend time with Harry or the Weasley family again. 

Walking over, Cedric settled himself by the bed side, allowing Paden to crawl onto the bed and rest on top of sleeping Milo as he usually did. Milo definitely seemed to be enjoying his nap, no one waking him up early and allowed to sleep in as late as he wanted, it was somewhat of a dream come true for the boy. When Madam Pomfrey told Cedric she was stepping out of the wing for a moment, Cedric nodded his head before returning his attention to Milo.

He reached out, grabbing Milo's hand, holding it in his. 

"I don't understand how you're always putting yourself at risk to help others, you'd do anything for anyone, even if it means ending up in the Hospital Wing."

"Well, if I did it for the sole benefit of myself, that would make me a Slytherin," Milo chuckled, "if I did it for the sake of saying I did it, that would make me a Gryffindor, and if I did it out of the curiosity of if I could do it, that would make me a Ravenclaw. But the Sorting Hat was pretty clear when it said Hufflepuff. As Fred would say, I'm very Huffle-puffely."

Cedric laughed, glad to see that Milo was awake. "I spoke to Madam Pomfrey when I came in or were you awake for that as well."

Milo smiled looking down at Paden, who greeted him with a chirp. "I get to leave tomorrow morning, finally. I figured it would take awhile to convince my mum that I was alright but I never expected it to be this long. I guess I can't complain, it's certainly been nice being able to stay in bed."

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