Chapter Thirty-Five

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Sneaking around and having a secret relationship was not what Milo had planned whenever he thought about having a relationship with his other crushes when he was younger. But then again, there were different circumstances that had come about and Milo understood that both he and Cedric could not get what they wanted exactly. They were both going to have to compromise in some form of fashion. If it meant dating in secret, Milo could surely put up with that a lot better than just having Cedric flat out ignoring him. So he agreed to it and for those few moments in the locker room, the two of them seemed quite happy with the new arrangement. 

Of course, the happiness didn't last very long for Milo when he returned to the castle with Cedric. The two returned to the Common Room to meet with Professor Sprout as the woman claimed that there was a new curfew, all quidditch matches and practices had been postponed until further notice, and no one was allowed to go anywhere without an escort, whether it was to the lavatory or walking in the corridors between classes.

There had been another attack and this time, it was Hermione Granger and Penelope Clearwater. Milo couldn't comprehend what his brother and Ron were going through with their closest friend being petrified. It made him think of how he would feel if Cedric, one of the twins, Lee, Heidi or Max...if any of them had been petrified, he probably wouldn't know what to do with himself. 

When Professor Sprout finished the announcement, Milo left Cedric's side and approached the professor to speak with her. Technically, three Gryffindors had been victims of the attack, first Colin, then Sir Nicholas, and now Hermione, Milo was more than certain that his mother was beyond upset. Despite being a caring adult, she was also the head of the Gryffindor house, it had to be upsetting to know another person was added to the count. He and Professor Sprout stood in the walkway of the barrel entrance to talk in private.

"Is my mother alright?" Milo asked. "I'd ask you to take me to see her, but I'm sure she probably wants me to stay in here until dinner along with every other student."

"She's upset," Professor Sprout replied honestly, " we all are, Milo. We can only hope that this whole thing is resolved soon or we're facing the idea of the school closing in order to keep the students safe. We're asking anyone who has any knowledge of the attacks to come forward so we can put this all to rest. But it seems rather unlikely and to think, Lockhart thought he had solved the problem."

Milo could tell that the woman was in distress as well, aside from the students being attacked, the idea of the school being closed down was worrisome too. After all, to the professors, it was their livelihood, many of them had been there for decades, just suddenly having to leave sounded like the worst possible thing. 

"Hopefully it won't come down to that, Professor," Milo told her, placing his hand on her shoulder, " after all, the world needs Hogwarts. Some of the finest witches and wizards had come from here and we can't deprive the world of them. It would be cruel to do so."

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